How to get v-data-table item-key working that's not sortable in vue


So I have this API endpoint with some somewhat strange data structure.

I have a data-table showing everything i need, but I cant seem to figure out what I need to do to get the item-key search/sortable.

I see what's wrong but don't have any idea how to fix it.

<template slot="items" scope="props">
<td class="text-xs">
<div class="postercell">
<img :src="props.item[1][0].uri" class="posterh" alt="">
<td class="text-xs">{{ props.item[1][0].title }}</td>
<td class="text-xs">{{ props.item[1][0].releaseYear }}</td>
<td class="text-xs">{{ props.item[1][0].shortDescription }}</td>
<td class="text-xs">
<v-btn :class="sitem.tmsId" v-for="(sitem, sindex) in props.item[1]">{{ sitem.descriptionLang }}</v-btn>
<template slot="no-data">
<v-alert :value="true" color="warning" icon="info">
<v-progress-linear v-if="isLoading" indeterminate value="15" color="info"></v-progress-linear>


headers are:

 headers: [
text: 'Poster',
value: 'uri',
sortable: false
text: 'Name',
value: 'title'
text: 'Year',
value: 'releaseYear'
text: 'Desc',
value: 'shortDescription'
text: 'Action',
value: 'action',
sortable: false

I'm guessing because the api structure forces me to go several levels deep, its cell contents aren't made truly reactive.

Is there a way to make the "props.item[1][0].title" just be props.item.title?
Or should I be creating some other higher level object to reference in my

Thanks in advance.

api result if you want to see it:

"0": {
"tmsId": "MV000193820000",
"rootId": "8955",
"title": "Vital Signs",
"descriptionLang": "en",
"releaseYear": 1986,
"shortDescription": "Wives see father/son doctors (Edward Asner, Gary Cole) on alcohol and drugs.",
"uri": "/movies/tvbanners/generic/generic_tvbanners_h3.png?hashkey"
"1": {
"tmsId": "MV004107310000",
"rootId": "8955",
"title": "Vital Signs",
"descriptionLang": "es",
"releaseYear": 1986,
"shortDescription": "Esposas tienen maridos médicos (Edward Asner, Gary Cole) alcohólicos y drogadictos.",
"uri": "/movies/tvbanners/generic/generic_tvbanners_h3.png?hashkey"
"0": {
"tmsId": "MV002951510000",
"rootId": "11580",
"title": "Signs of Life",
"descriptionLang": "en-GB",
"releaseYear": 1989,
"shortDescription": "A Maine boatbuilder shuts down, leaving his workers and the town with uncertain futures.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p11580_i_h3_aa.jpg?hashkey"
"1": {
"tmsId": "MV001155740000",
"rootId": "11580",
"title": "Signs of Life",
"descriptionLang": "es",
"releaseYear": 1989,
"shortDescription": "Un fabricante de botes cierra su negocio, dejando a trabajadores y a ciudad con futuros inciertos.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p11580_i_h3_aa.jpg?hashkey"
"2": {
"tmsId": "MV000269660000",
"rootId": "11580",
"title": "Signs of Life",
"descriptionLang": "en",
"releaseYear": 1989,
"shortDescription": "A Maine boatbuilder shuts down, leaving his workers and the town with uncertain futures.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p11580_i_h3_aa.jpg?hashkey"
"0": {
"tmsId": "MV000288290000",
"rootId": "12248",
"title": "Vital Signs",
"descriptionLang": "en",
"releaseYear": 1990,
"shortDescription": "Third-year medical students (Adrian Pasdar, Diane Lane) fall in love as they work.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p12248_i_h3_ab.jpg?hashkey"
"1": {
"tmsId": "MV000810000000",
"rootId": "12248",
"title": "Vital Signs",
"descriptionLang": "es",
"releaseYear": 1990,
"shortDescription": "Estudiantes (Adrian Pasdar, Diane Lane) de medicina se enamoran.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p12248_i_h3_ab.jpg?hashkey"
"2": {
"tmsId": "MV002926830000",
"rootId": "12248",
"title": "Vital Signs",
"descriptionLang": "en-GB",
"releaseYear": 1990,
"shortDescription": "Third-year medical students fall in love while striving for honours and their dean's approval.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p12248_i_h3_ab.jpg?hashkey"
"3": {
"tmsId": "MV004588520000",
"rootId": "12248",
"title": "Vital Signs",
"descriptionLang": "fr-CA",
"releaseYear": 1990,
"shortDescription": "Cinq amis passent ensemble leur dernière année d'études en médecine.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p12248_i_h3_ab.jpg?hashkey"
"0": {
"tmsId": "MV001634710000",
"rootId": "27153",
"title": "Signs & Wonders",
"descriptionLang": "es",
"releaseYear": 2000,
"shortDescription": "Un hombre casado cree que su destino es estar con su amante.",
"uri": "/movies/tvbanners/generic/generic_tvbanners_h3.png?hashkey"
"1": {
"tmsId": "MV005655390000",
"rootId": "27153",
"title": "Signs & Wonders",
"descriptionLang": "fr-CA",
"releaseYear": 2000,
"shortDescription": "Un Américain entretient une liaison avec une collègue.",
"uri": "/movies/tvbanners/generic/generic_tvbanners_h3.png?hashkey"
"2": {
"tmsId": "MV001041400000",
"rootId": "27153",
"title": "Signs & Wonders",
"descriptionLang": "en",
"releaseYear": 2000,
"shortDescription": "A married man (Stellan Skarsgard) has an affair with a beautiful co-worker (Deborah Kara Unger).",
"uri": "/movies/tvbanners/generic/generic_tvbanners_h3.png?hashkey"
"0": {
"tmsId": "MV007707920000",
"rootId": "30099",
"title": "Signs",
"descriptionLang": "da",
"releaseYear": 2002,
"shortDescription": "En landmand og tidligere katolsk præst får testet troen, da de ser symboler fra en anden verden.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p30099_i_h3_ab.jpg?hashkey"
"1": {
"tmsId": "MV006685920000",
"rootId": "30099",
"title": "Signs",
"descriptionLang": "it",
"releaseYear": 2002,
"shortDescription": "Dei misteriosi cerchi disegnati nei campi di mais preannunciano un'invasione aliena.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p30099_i_h3_ab.jpg?hashkey"
"2": {
"tmsId": "MV006785430000",
"rootId": "30099",
"title": "Signs",
"descriptionLang": "es-ES",
"releaseYear": 2002,
"shortDescription": "Un exreverendo descubre una mañana unos extraños símbolos en sus campos de maíz.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p30099_i_h3_ab.jpg?hashkey"
"3": {
"tmsId": "MV006921950000",
"rootId": "30099",
"title": "Signs",
"descriptionLang": "no",
"releaseYear": 2002,
"shortDescription": "Romvesener invaderer en enkemann og hans familie på deres gård i Pennsylvania.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p30099_i_h3_ab.jpg?hashkey"
"4": {
"tmsId": "MV007381220000",
"rootId": "30099",
"title": "Signs",
"descriptionLang": "fr",
"releaseYear": 2002,
"shortDescription": "Un fermier tente de découvrir la cause de l'apparition de grands cercles dans ses champs.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p30099_i_h3_ab.jpg?hashkey"
"5": {
"tmsId": "MV006520500000",
"rootId": "30099",
"title": "Signs",
"descriptionLang": "de",
"releaseYear": 2002,
"shortDescription": "Graham Hess und sein Bruder Merrill betreiben eine Farm in einer abgelegenen Gegend.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p30099_i_h3_ab.jpg?hashkey"
"6": {
"tmsId": "MV001233300000",
"rootId": "30099",
"title": "Signs",
"descriptionLang": "en",
"releaseYear": 2002,
"shortDescription": "A widower (Mel Gibson) investigates huge circles in his crop fields.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p30099_i_h3_ab.jpg?hashkey"
"7": {
"tmsId": "MV003153080000",
"rootId": "30099",
"title": "Signs",
"descriptionLang": "en-GB",
"releaseYear": 2002,
"shortDescription": "As alien beings threaten Earth's cities, a former preacher and his family retreat into their house.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p30099_i_h3_ab.jpg?hashkey"
"8": {
"tmsId": "MV001550420000",
"rootId": "30099",
"title": "Signs",
"descriptionLang": "es",
"releaseYear": 2002,
"shortDescription": "Un viudo (Mel Gibson) investiga enormes círculos en sus campos de cultivo.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p30099_i_h3_ab.jpg?hashkey"
"9": {
"tmsId": "MV004280360000",
"rootId": "30099",
"title": "Signs",
"descriptionLang": "fr-CA",
"releaseYear": 2002,
"shortDescription": "Un fermier tente de découvrir la cause de l'apparition de grands cercles dans ses champs.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p30099_i_h3_ab.jpg?hashkey"
"10": {
"tmsId": "MV004358750000",
"rootId": "30099",
"title": "Signs",
"descriptionLang": "sv",
"releaseYear": 2002,
"shortDescription": "En änkling undersöker de stora, mystiska cirklarna som dykt upp i hans sädesfält.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p30099_i_h3_ab.jpg?hashkey"
"11": {
"tmsId": "MV004280370000",
"rootId": "30099",
"title": "Signs",
"descriptionLang": "pt-BR",
"releaseYear": 2002,
"shortDescription": "Na Pensilvânia, EUA, um viúvo investiga o aparecimento de misteriosos círculos em sua plantação.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p30099_i_h3_ab.jpg?hashkey"
"12": {
"tmsId": "MV007576050000",
"rootId": "30099",
"title": "Signs",
"descriptionLang": "fi",
"releaseYear": 2002,
"shortDescription": "Pellolle ilmestyvät ylimaalliset merkit haastavat maanviljelijän, entisen pastorin vakaumuksen.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p30099_i_h3_ab.jpg?hashkey"
"13": {
"tmsId": "MV009568430000",
"rootId": "30099",
"title": "Signs",
"descriptionLang": "en-AU",
"releaseYear": 2002,
"shortDescription": "As alien beings threaten Earth's cities, a former preacher and his family retreat into their house.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p30099_i_h3_ab.jpg?hashkey"
"14": {
"tmsId": "MV010385320000",
"rootId": "30099",
"title": "Signs",
"descriptionLang": "nl",
"releaseYear": 2002,
"shortDescription": "Een voormalig eerwaarde ontdekt mysterieuze graancirkels en gaar op zoek naar de betekenis daarvan.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p30099_i_h3_ab.jpg?hashkey"
"0": {
"tmsId": "MV005056410000",
"rootId": "76853",
"title": "Signs of Life",
"descriptionLang": "en",
"releaseYear": 1968,
"shortDescription": "Three recovering German soldiers guard a munitions depot -- until one goes mad.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p76853_i_h3_ab.jpg?hashkey"
"0": {
"tmsId": "MV002391320000",
"rootId": "192584",
"title": "The Signs of Zodiac",
"descriptionLang": "n/a",
"releaseYear": 1978,
"shortDescription": "No Description found!",
"uri": "/movies/tvbanners/generic/generic_tvbanners_h3.png?hashkey"
"0": {
"tmsId": "MV002613360000",
"rootId": "7814214",
"title": "Signs of the Time",
"descriptionLang": "en",
"releaseYear": 2008,
"shortDescription": "Filmmaker Don Casper examines the origins of hand signals during the early days of baseball.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p7814214_i_h3_aa.jpg?hashkey"
"1": {
"tmsId": "MV003912460000",
"rootId": "7814214",
"title": "Signs of the Time",
"descriptionLang": "es",
"releaseYear": 2008,
"shortDescription": "El cineasta Don Casper examina el origen de las señales cuando recién se inició el béisbol.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p7814214_i_h3_aa.jpg?hashkey"
"0": {
"tmsId": "MV002644790000",
"rootId": "7847602",
"title": "Universal Signs",
"descriptionLang": "en",
"releaseYear": 2008,
"shortDescription": "A deaf man shuts himself away until new friends help him.",
"uri": "/movies/tvbanners/generic/generic_tvbanners_h3.png?hashkey"
"0": {
"tmsId": "MV002676290000",
"rootId": "7910105",
"title": "The Signs of the Cross",
"descriptionLang": "en",
"releaseYear": 2005,
"shortDescription": "A boy endures an abusive childhood but deals with tragedy as a young man.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p7910105_st_h3_aa.jpg?hashkey"
"0": {
"tmsId": "MV005310560000",
"rootId": "8048492",
"title": "Vital Signs",
"descriptionLang": "en",
"releaseYear": 2009,
"shortDescription": "A young woman (Marie-Hélène Bellavance) volunteers at a center for the terminally ill.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p8048492_st_h3_aa.jpg?hashkey"
"1": {
"tmsId": "MV006808970000",
"rootId": "8048492",
"title": "Vital Signs",
"descriptionLang": "fr",
"releaseYear": 2009,
"shortDescription": "Après avoir perdu un proche, Simone décide de faire du bénévolat dans un hôpital.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p8048492_st_h3_aa.jpg?hashkey"
"0": {
"tmsId": "MV004568140000",
"rootId": "9714708",
"title": "The Signs of Love",
"descriptionLang": "en",
"releaseYear": 2007,
"shortDescription": "A man (Terunosuke Takezai) and his girlfriend drift apart after graduating from college.",
"uri": "/movies/tvbanners/generic/generic_tvbanners_h3.png?hashkey"
"0": {
"tmsId": "MV006593120000",
"rootId": "10576476",
"title": "Zodiac: Signs of the Apocalypse",
"descriptionLang": "fr",
"releaseYear": 2014,
"shortDescription": "Une conservatrice reçoit un artefact qui possède des forces menaçant de détruire toute l'humanité.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p10576476_i_h3_aa.jpg?hashkey"
"1": {
"tmsId": "MV005531040000",
"rootId": "10576476",
"title": "Zodiac: Signs of the Apocalypse",
"descriptionLang": "en",
"releaseYear": 2014,
"shortDescription": "A 2,000-year-old astrology board possesses deadly powers that threaten the fate of humanity.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p10576476_i_h3_aa.jpg?hashkey"
"2": {
"tmsId": "MV006317130000",
"rootId": "10576476",
"title": "Zodiac: Signs of the Apocalypse",
"descriptionLang": "en-GB",
"releaseYear": 2014,
"shortDescription": "A 2,000-year-old astrology board possesses deadly powers that threaten the fate of humanity.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p10576476_i_h3_aa.jpg?hashkey"
"3": {
"tmsId": "MV005550330000",
"rootId": "10576476",
"title": "Zodiac: Signs of the Apocalypse",
"descriptionLang": "es",
"releaseYear": 2014,
"shortDescription": "Tablero de astrología de 2,000 años posee poderes mortales.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p10576476_i_h3_aa.jpg?hashkey"
"4": {
"tmsId": "MV008439960000",
"rootId": "10576476",
"title": "Zodiac: Signs of the Apocalypse",
"descriptionLang": "fr-CA",
"releaseYear": 2014,
"shortDescription": "Un scientifique versé dans l'ésotérisme tente d'arrêter la trajectoire d'une mystérieuse planète.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p10576476_i_h3_aa.jpg?hashkey"
"5": {
"tmsId": "MV006868410000",
"rootId": "10576476",
"title": "Zodiac: Signs of the Apocalypse",
"descriptionLang": "es-ES",
"releaseYear": 2014,
"shortDescription": "Un científico poco convencional trata de descifrar símbolos para evitar la destrucción del planeta.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p10576476_i_h3_aa.jpg?hashkey"
"6": {
"tmsId": "MV007210060000",
"rootId": "10576476",
"title": "Zodiac: Signs of the Apocalypse",
"descriptionLang": "pt-BR",
"releaseYear": 2014,
"shortDescription": "Curadora recebe uma tábua astrológica milenar que ameaça o destino da humanidade.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p10576476_i_h3_aa.jpg?hashkey"
"7": {
"tmsId": "MV007076510000",
"rootId": "10576476",
"title": "Zodiac: Signs of the Apocalypse",
"descriptionLang": "de",
"releaseYear": 2014,
"shortDescription": "Der Fund eines über 2000 Jahre alten Astrologie-Bretts gefährdet die Menschheit.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p10576476_i_h3_aa.jpg?hashkey"
"0": {
"tmsId": "MV005576810000",
"rootId": "10631859",
"title": "Choosing Signs",
"descriptionLang": "en",
"releaseYear": 2013,
"shortDescription": "A woman follows the signs from the universe all the way to Ireland to find love.",
"uri": "/movies/assets/p10631859_i_h3_aa.jpg?hashkey"
"0": {
"tmsId": "MV005593780000",
"rootId": "10646347",
"title": "Neon Signs",
"descriptionLang": "en",
"releaseYear": 1996,
"shortDescription": "An abandoned teen attempts to learn the rules of the road after being left at a roadside motel.",
"uri": "/movies/tvbanners/generic/generic_tvbanners_h3.png?hashkey"
"0": {
"tmsId": "MV009698220000",
"rootId": "13669176",
"title": "Signs of Humanity",
"descriptionLang": "en",
"releaseYear": 2016,
"shortDescription": "An artist drives across the country buying signs from the homeless.",
"uri": "/movies/tvbanners/generic/generic_tvbanners_h3.png?hashkey"

share|improve this question


    So I have this API endpoint with some somewhat strange data structure.

    I have a data-table showing everything i need, but I cant seem to figure out what I need to do to get the item-key search/sortable.

    I see what's wrong but don't have any idea how to fix it.

    <template slot="items" scope="props">
    <td class="text-xs">
    <div class="postercell">
    <img :src="props.item[1][0].uri" class="posterh" alt="">
    <td class="text-xs">{{ props.item[1][0].title }}</td>
    <td class="text-xs">{{ props.item[1][0].releaseYear }}</td>
    <td class="text-xs">{{ props.item[1][0].shortDescription }}</td>
    <td class="text-xs">
    <v-btn :class="sitem.tmsId" v-for="(sitem, sindex) in props.item[1]">{{ sitem.descriptionLang }}</v-btn>
    <template slot="no-data">
    <v-alert :value="true" color="warning" icon="info">
    <v-progress-linear v-if="isLoading" indeterminate value="15" color="info"></v-progress-linear>


    headers are:

     headers: [
    text: 'Poster',
    value: 'uri',
    sortable: false
    text: 'Name',
    value: 'title'
    text: 'Year',
    value: 'releaseYear'
    text: 'Desc',
    value: 'shortDescription'
    text: 'Action',
    value: 'action',
    sortable: false

    I'm guessing because the api structure forces me to go several levels deep, its cell contents aren't made truly reactive.

    Is there a way to make the "props.item[1][0].title" just be props.item.title?
    Or should I be creating some other higher level object to reference in my

    Thanks in advance.

    api result if you want to see it:

    "0": {
    "tmsId": "MV000193820000",
    "rootId": "8955",
    "title": "Vital Signs",
    "descriptionLang": "en",
    "releaseYear": 1986,
    "shortDescription": "Wives see father/son doctors (Edward Asner, Gary Cole) on alcohol and drugs.",
    "uri": "/movies/tvbanners/generic/generic_tvbanners_h3.png?hashkey"
    "1": {
    "tmsId": "MV004107310000",
    "rootId": "8955",
    "title": "Vital Signs",
    "descriptionLang": "es",
    "releaseYear": 1986,
    "shortDescription": "Esposas tienen maridos médicos (Edward Asner, Gary Cole) alcohólicos y drogadictos.",
    "uri": "/movies/tvbanners/generic/generic_tvbanners_h3.png?hashkey"
    "0": {
    "tmsId": "MV002951510000",
    "rootId": "11580",
    "title": "Signs of Life",
    "descriptionLang": "en-GB",
    "releaseYear": 1989,
    "shortDescription": "A Maine boatbuilder shuts down, leaving his workers and the town with uncertain futures.",
    "uri": "/movies/assets/p11580_i_h3_aa.jpg?hashkey"
    "1": {
    "tmsId": "MV001155740000",
    "rootId": "11580",
    "title": "Signs of Life",
    "descriptionLang": "es",
    "releaseYear": 1989,
    "shortDescription": "Un fabricante de botes cierra su negocio, dejando a trabajadores y a ciudad con futuros inciertos.",
    "uri": "/movies/assets/p11580_i_h3_aa.jpg?hashkey"
    "2": {
    "tmsId": "MV000269660000",
    "rootId": "11580",
    "title": "Signs of Life",
    "descriptionLang": "en",
    "releaseYear": 1989,
    "shortDescription": "A Maine boatbuilder shuts down, leaving his workers and the town with uncertain futures.",
    "uri": "/movies/assets/p11580_i_h3_aa.jpg?hashkey"
    "0": {
    "tmsId": "MV000288290000",
    "rootId": "12248",
    "title": "Vital Signs",
    "descriptionLang": "en",
    "releaseYear": 1990,
    "shortDescription": "Third-year medical students (Adrian Pasdar, Diane Lane) fall in love as they work.",
    "uri": "/movies/assets/p12248_i_h3_ab.jpg?hashkey"
    "1": {
    "tmsId": "MV000810000000",
    "rootId": "12248",
    "title": "Vital Signs",
    "descriptionLang": "es",
    "releaseYear": 1990,
    "shortDescription": "Estudiantes (Adrian Pasdar, Diane Lane) de medicina se enamoran.",
    "uri": "/movies/assets/p12248_i_h3_ab.jpg?hashkey"
    "2": {
    "tmsId": "MV002926830000",
    "rootId": "12248",
    "title": "Vital Signs",
    "descriptionLang": "en-GB",
    "releaseYear": 1990,
    "shortDescription": "Third-year medical students fall in love while striving for honours and their dean's approval.",
    "uri": "/movies/assets/p12248_i_h3_ab.jpg?hashkey"
    "3": {
    "tmsId": "MV004588520000",
    "rootId": "12248",
    "title": "Vital Signs",
    "descriptionLang": "fr-CA",
    "releaseYear": 1990,
    "shortDescription": "Cinq amis passent ensemble leur dernière année d'études en médecine.",
    "uri": "/movies/assets/p12248_i_h3_ab.jpg?hashkey"
    "0": {
    "tmsId": "MV001634710000",
    "rootId": "27153",
    "title": "Signs & Wonders",
    "descriptionLang": "es",
    "releaseYear": 2000,
    "shortDescription": "Un hombre casado cree que su destino es estar con su amante.",
    "uri": "/movies/tvbanners/generic/generic_tvbanners_h3.png?hashkey"
    "1": {
    "tmsId": "MV005655390000",
    "rootId": "27153",
    "title": "Signs & Wonders",
    "descriptionLang": "fr-CA",
    "releaseYear": 2000,
    "shortDescription": "Un Américain entretient une liaison avec une collègue.",
    "uri": "/movies/tvbanners/generic/generic_tvbanners_h3.png?hashkey"
    "2": {
    "tmsId": "MV001041400000",
    "rootId": "27153",
    "title": "Signs & Wonders",
    "descriptionLang": "en",
    "releaseYear": 2000,
    "shortDescription": "A married man (Stellan Skarsgard) has an affair with a beautiful co-worker (Deborah Kara Unger).",
    "uri": "/movies/tvbanners/generic/generic_tvbanners_h3.png?hashkey"
    "0": {
    "tmsId": "MV007707920000",
    "rootId": "30099",
    "title": "Signs",
    "descriptionLang": "da",
    "releaseYear": 2002,
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    share|improve this question




      So I have this API endpoint with some somewhat strange data structure.

      I have a data-table showing everything i need, but I cant seem to figure out what I need to do to get the item-key search/sortable.

      I see what's wrong but don't have any idea how to fix it.

      <template slot="items" scope="props">
      <td class="text-xs">
      <div class="postercell">
      <img :src="props.item[1][0].uri" class="posterh" alt="">
      <td class="text-xs">{{ props.item[1][0].title }}</td>
      <td class="text-xs">{{ props.item[1][0].releaseYear }}</td>
      <td class="text-xs">{{ props.item[1][0].shortDescription }}</td>
      <td class="text-xs">
      <v-btn :class="sitem.tmsId" v-for="(sitem, sindex) in props.item[1]">{{ sitem.descriptionLang }}</v-btn>
      <template slot="no-data">
      <v-alert :value="true" color="warning" icon="info">
      <v-progress-linear v-if="isLoading" indeterminate value="15" color="info"></v-progress-linear>


      headers are:

       headers: [
      text: 'Poster',
      value: 'uri',
      sortable: false
      text: 'Name',
      value: 'title'
      text: 'Year',
      value: 'releaseYear'
      text: 'Desc',
      value: 'shortDescription'
      text: 'Action',
      value: 'action',
      sortable: false

      I'm guessing because the api structure forces me to go several levels deep, its cell contents aren't made truly reactive.

      Is there a way to make the "props.item[1][0].title" just be props.item.title?
      Or should I be creating some other higher level object to reference in my

      Thanks in advance.

      api result if you want to see it:

      "0": {
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      "14": {
      "tmsId": "MV010385320000",
      "rootId": "30099",
      "title": "Signs",
      "descriptionLang": "nl",
      "releaseYear": 2002,
      "shortDescription": "Een voormalig eerwaarde ontdekt mysterieuze graancirkels en gaar op zoek naar de betekenis daarvan.",
      "uri": "/movies/assets/p30099_i_h3_ab.jpg?hashkey"
      "0": {
      "tmsId": "MV005056410000",
      "rootId": "76853",
      "title": "Signs of Life",
      "descriptionLang": "en",
      "releaseYear": 1968,
      "shortDescription": "Three recovering German soldiers guard a munitions depot -- until one goes mad.",
      "uri": "/movies/assets/p76853_i_h3_ab.jpg?hashkey"
      "0": {
      "tmsId": "MV002391320000",
      "rootId": "192584",
      "title": "The Signs of Zodiac",
      "descriptionLang": "n/a",
      "releaseYear": 1978,
      "shortDescription": "No Description found!",
      "uri": "/movies/tvbanners/generic/generic_tvbanners_h3.png?hashkey"
      "0": {
      "tmsId": "MV002613360000",
      "rootId": "7814214",
      "title": "Signs of the Time",
      "descriptionLang": "en",
      "releaseYear": 2008,
      "shortDescription": "Filmmaker Don Casper examines the origins of hand signals during the early days of baseball.",
      "uri": "/movies/assets/p7814214_i_h3_aa.jpg?hashkey"
      "1": {
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      "releaseYear": 2008,
      "shortDescription": "El cineasta Don Casper examina el origen de las señales cuando recién se inició el béisbol.",
      "uri": "/movies/assets/p7814214_i_h3_aa.jpg?hashkey"
      "0": {
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      "descriptionLang": "en",
      "releaseYear": 2008,
      "shortDescription": "A deaf man shuts himself away until new friends help him.",
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      "releaseYear": 2005,
      "shortDescription": "A boy endures an abusive childhood but deals with tragedy as a young man.",
      "uri": "/movies/assets/p7910105_st_h3_aa.jpg?hashkey"
      "0": {
      "tmsId": "MV005310560000",
      "rootId": "8048492",
      "title": "Vital Signs",
      "descriptionLang": "en",
      "releaseYear": 2009,
      "shortDescription": "A young woman (Marie-Hélène Bellavance) volunteers at a center for the terminally ill.",
      "uri": "/movies/assets/p8048492_st_h3_aa.jpg?hashkey"
      "1": {
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      "rootId": "8048492",
      "title": "Vital Signs",
      "descriptionLang": "fr",
      "releaseYear": 2009,
      "shortDescription": "Après avoir perdu un proche, Simone décide de faire du bénévolat dans un hôpital.",
      "uri": "/movies/assets/p8048492_st_h3_aa.jpg?hashkey"
      "0": {
      "tmsId": "MV004568140000",
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      "title": "The Signs of Love",
      "descriptionLang": "en",
      "releaseYear": 2007,
      "shortDescription": "A man (Terunosuke Takezai) and his girlfriend drift apart after graduating from college.",
      "uri": "/movies/tvbanners/generic/generic_tvbanners_h3.png?hashkey"
      "0": {
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      "title": "Zodiac: Signs of the Apocalypse",
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      "releaseYear": 2014,
      "shortDescription": "Une conservatrice reçoit un artefact qui possède des forces menaçant de détruire toute l'humanité.",
      "uri": "/movies/assets/p10576476_i_h3_aa.jpg?hashkey"
      "1": {
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      "rootId": "10576476",
      "title": "Zodiac: Signs of the Apocalypse",
      "descriptionLang": "en",
      "releaseYear": 2014,
      "shortDescription": "A 2,000-year-old astrology board possesses deadly powers that threaten the fate of humanity.",
      "uri": "/movies/assets/p10576476_i_h3_aa.jpg?hashkey"
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      "releaseYear": 2014,
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      "uri": "/movies/assets/p10576476_i_h3_aa.jpg?hashkey"
      "3": {
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      "title": "Zodiac: Signs of the Apocalypse",
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      "releaseYear": 2014,
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      "4": {
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      "title": "Zodiac: Signs of the Apocalypse",
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      "releaseYear": 2014,
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      "title": "Zodiac: Signs of the Apocalypse",
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      "releaseYear": 2014,
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      "0": {
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      "descriptionLang": "en",
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      "uri": "/movies/tvbanners/generic/generic_tvbanners_h3.png?hashkey"
      "0": {
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      share|improve this question

      So I have this API endpoint with some somewhat strange data structure.

      I have a data-table showing everything i need, but I cant seem to figure out what I need to do to get the item-key search/sortable.

      I see what's wrong but don't have any idea how to fix it.

      <template slot="items" scope="props">
      <td class="text-xs">
      <div class="postercell">
      <img :src="props.item[1][0].uri" class="posterh" alt="">
      <td class="text-xs">{{ props.item[1][0].title }}</td>
      <td class="text-xs">{{ props.item[1][0].releaseYear }}</td>
      <td class="text-xs">{{ props.item[1][0].shortDescription }}</td>
      <td class="text-xs">
      <v-btn :class="sitem.tmsId" v-for="(sitem, sindex) in props.item[1]">{{ sitem.descriptionLang }}</v-btn>
      <template slot="no-data">
      <v-alert :value="true" color="warning" icon="info">
      <v-progress-linear v-if="isLoading" indeterminate value="15" color="info"></v-progress-linear>


      headers are:

       headers: [
      text: 'Poster',
      value: 'uri',
      sortable: false
      text: 'Name',
      value: 'title'
      text: 'Year',
      value: 'releaseYear'
      text: 'Desc',
      value: 'shortDescription'
      text: 'Action',
      value: 'action',
      sortable: false

      I'm guessing because the api structure forces me to go several levels deep, its cell contents aren't made truly reactive.

      Is there a way to make the "props.item[1][0].title" just be props.item.title?
      Or should I be creating some other higher level object to reference in my

      Thanks in advance.

      api result if you want to see it:

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      "shortDescription": "Tablero de astrología de 2,000 años posee poderes mortales.",
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      javascript multidimensional-array vuejs2 vuetify.js

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      edited Nov 14 '18 at 21:49




      asked Nov 14 '18 at 21:02








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