
Showing posts from January 31, 2019

With androidx.appcompat library FirebaseRecyclerAdapter not working

1 When upgrading build tool version and target SDK version to API 28 we have to use new support libraries with androidx prefix. I have replaced all libs with new libs here they are // Libs for newer API 28 implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.0.2' implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:1.1.3' implementation '' implementation 'androidx.cardview:cardview:1.0.0' Now FirebaseRecyclerAdapter from the import below, asking me to extend my ViewHolder class from . import com.firebase.ui.database.FirebaseRecyclerAdapter; And has this suggestion Type parameter 'com.domain_name.app_name.FriendsFragment.FindFriendsViewHolder' is not within its bo

Pentium FDIV bug

66 MHz Intel Pentium (sSpec=SX837) with the FDIV bug The Pentium FDIV bug is a computer bug affecting the floating point unit (FPU) of the early Intel Pentium processors. Because of the bug, the processor might return incorrect binary floating point results when dividing a number. Discovered in 1994 by Professor Thomas R. Nicely at Lynchburg College, [1] Intel attributed the error to missing entries in the lookup table used by the floating-point division circuitry. [2] The severity of the FDIV bug is debated. Though rarely encountered by most users ( Byte magazine estimated that 1 in 9 billion floating point divides with random parameters would produce inaccurate results), [3] both the flaw and Intel's initial handling of the matter were heavily criticized by the tech community. In December 1994, Intel recalled the defective processors. In January 1995, Intel announced "a pre-tax charge of $475 million against earnings, ostensibly the total cost associated with