micronaut petstore a code segment from java to groovy


The actual code is here

private Function<String, Mono<? extends Offer>> keyToOffer(RedisReactiveCommands<String, String> commands) {
return key -> {
Flux<KeyValue<String, String>> values = commands.hmget(key, "price", "description");
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(3);
return values.reduce(map, (all, keyValue) -> {
all.put(keyValue.getKey(), keyValue.getValue());
return all;
.flatMap(entries -> {
String description = entries.get("description", String.class).orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException("No description"));
BigDecimal price = entries.get("price", BigDecimal.class).orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException("No price"));
Flowable<Pet> findPetFlowable = petClient.find(key).toFlowable();
return Mono.from(findPetFlowable).map(pet -> new Offer(pet, description, price));

I have tried in a variety of different ways to convert above into groovy and all attempts so far not worked out too well. I wondered if anyone better with groovy could help

My attempt wasn't posted since the code itself firstly returns Ambiguous code block in Intelij and secondly looks totally wrong.

 private Function<String, Mono<? extends Orders>> keyToOrder(RedisReactiveCommands<String, String> commands) {
return { key -> {
Flux<KeyValue<String, String>> values = commands.hmget(key, "price", "description");
Map map = [:]
return values.reduce(map, (all, keyValue)= {all.put(keyValue.getKey(), keyValue.getValue());
return all
}).map({entries -> ConvertibleValues.of(entries)})
.flatMap({entries -> {
String description = entries.get("description", String.class).orElseThrow({ new IllegalStateException("No description")});
BigDecimal price = entries.get("price", BigDecimal.class).orElseThrow({new IllegalStateException("No price")});
Flowable<Item> findItemFlowable = itemClient.find(key).toFlowable();
return Mono.from(findItemFlowable).map({item -> new Orders(item, description, price)});

When attempting to convert to groovy the biggest struggle appeared to be around:

return values.reduce(map, (all, keyValue)= {all.put(keyValue.getKey(), keyValue.getValue());
return all

This is nothing like what the original java code looked like and really unsure if it would even behave as it should. The issue I had was to find anything aorund RXJAVA Flux .reduce written in groovy out there.

The Ambiguous code block is around this entire flatMap segment at the very bottom

 .flatMap({entries -> {

I haven't checked in this change nor did I post it since frankly it was embarrassing.

I have also come across:

numbers.reduce({ a, b -> a+b }).

and ended up with:

Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(3);
return values.reduce({all, keyValue->
all.put(keyValue.getKey(), keyValue.getValue());
return all
}).map({entries -> ConvertibleValues.of(entries)})

But this again looks wrong and doesn't really match what the java code was doing.

Final edit to suggest I have got Intelij to accept the code as groovy but not quite sure if it is what the java code was actually doing, since declared map is not even used:

private Function<String, Mono<? extends Orders>> keyToOrder(RedisReactiveCommands<String, String> commands) {
Flux<KeyValue<String, String>> values = commands.hmget(key, "price", "description");
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(3);
values.reduce({all, keyValue->
all.put(keyValue.getKey(), keyValue.getValue());
return all
}).map({entries -> ConvertibleValues.of(entries)})
.flatMap({entries -> bindEntry(entries)});
return values.key

private Mono<Orders> bindEntry(entries) {
String description = entries.get("description", String.class).orElseThrow({ new IllegalStateException("No description")});
BigDecimal price = entries.get("price", BigDecimal.class).orElseThrow({new IllegalStateException("No price")});
Flowable<Item> findItemFlowable = itemClient.find(key).toFlowable();
return Mono.from(findItemFlowable).map({item -> new Orders(item, description, price)});


share|improve this question

  • I'm not sure what is the question here - do you want us to re-write this class for you?

    – Iłya Bursov
    Nov 15 '18 at 17:01

  • Hi llya In short if above can be converted from java to groovy that would be great github.com/vahidhedayati/micronaut-java-groovy-comparison/blob/… - the first link is what I am trying from this code github.com/vahidhedayati/micronaut-java-groovy-comparison/blob/… - Simply trying to understand some of the more complex rxjava statements in java and how to do same under groovy

    – Vahid
    Nov 15 '18 at 17:03

  • 3


    – Iłya Bursov
    Nov 15 '18 at 17:07

  • okay thank you for your input

    – Vahid
    Nov 15 '18 at 17:09

  • If you have failing code, then please add your attempt and what errors you get to the question. An potential answer can work from that then.

    – cfrick
    Nov 15 '18 at 20:03


The actual code is here

private Function<String, Mono<? extends Offer>> keyToOffer(RedisReactiveCommands<String, String> commands) {
return key -> {
Flux<KeyValue<String, String>> values = commands.hmget(key, "price", "description");
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(3);
return values.reduce(map, (all, keyValue) -> {
all.put(keyValue.getKey(), keyValue.getValue());
return all;
.flatMap(entries -> {
String description = entries.get("description", String.class).orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException("No description"));
BigDecimal price = entries.get("price", BigDecimal.class).orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException("No price"));
Flowable<Pet> findPetFlowable = petClient.find(key).toFlowable();
return Mono.from(findPetFlowable).map(pet -> new Offer(pet, description, price));

I have tried in a variety of different ways to convert above into groovy and all attempts so far not worked out too well. I wondered if anyone better with groovy could help

My attempt wasn't posted since the code itself firstly returns Ambiguous code block in Intelij and secondly looks totally wrong.

 private Function<String, Mono<? extends Orders>> keyToOrder(RedisReactiveCommands<String, String> commands) {
return { key -> {
Flux<KeyValue<String, String>> values = commands.hmget(key, "price", "description");
Map map = [:]
return values.reduce(map, (all, keyValue)= {all.put(keyValue.getKey(), keyValue.getValue());
return all
}).map({entries -> ConvertibleValues.of(entries)})
.flatMap({entries -> {
String description = entries.get("description", String.class).orElseThrow({ new IllegalStateException("No description")});
BigDecimal price = entries.get("price", BigDecimal.class).orElseThrow({new IllegalStateException("No price")});
Flowable<Item> findItemFlowable = itemClient.find(key).toFlowable();
return Mono.from(findItemFlowable).map({item -> new Orders(item, description, price)});

When attempting to convert to groovy the biggest struggle appeared to be around:

return values.reduce(map, (all, keyValue)= {all.put(keyValue.getKey(), keyValue.getValue());
return all

This is nothing like what the original java code looked like and really unsure if it would even behave as it should. The issue I had was to find anything aorund RXJAVA Flux .reduce written in groovy out there.

The Ambiguous code block is around this entire flatMap segment at the very bottom

 .flatMap({entries -> {

I haven't checked in this change nor did I post it since frankly it was embarrassing.

I have also come across:

numbers.reduce({ a, b -> a+b }).

and ended up with:

Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(3);
return values.reduce({all, keyValue->
all.put(keyValue.getKey(), keyValue.getValue());
return all
}).map({entries -> ConvertibleValues.of(entries)})

But this again looks wrong and doesn't really match what the java code was doing.

Final edit to suggest I have got Intelij to accept the code as groovy but not quite sure if it is what the java code was actually doing, since declared map is not even used:

private Function<String, Mono<? extends Orders>> keyToOrder(RedisReactiveCommands<String, String> commands) {
Flux<KeyValue<String, String>> values = commands.hmget(key, "price", "description");
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(3);
values.reduce({all, keyValue->
all.put(keyValue.getKey(), keyValue.getValue());
return all
}).map({entries -> ConvertibleValues.of(entries)})
.flatMap({entries -> bindEntry(entries)});
return values.key

private Mono<Orders> bindEntry(entries) {
String description = entries.get("description", String.class).orElseThrow({ new IllegalStateException("No description")});
BigDecimal price = entries.get("price", BigDecimal.class).orElseThrow({new IllegalStateException("No price")});
Flowable<Item> findItemFlowable = itemClient.find(key).toFlowable();
return Mono.from(findItemFlowable).map({item -> new Orders(item, description, price)});


share|improve this question

  • I'm not sure what is the question here - do you want us to re-write this class for you?

    – Iłya Bursov
    Nov 15 '18 at 17:01

  • Hi llya In short if above can be converted from java to groovy that would be great github.com/vahidhedayati/micronaut-java-groovy-comparison/blob/… - the first link is what I am trying from this code github.com/vahidhedayati/micronaut-java-groovy-comparison/blob/… - Simply trying to understand some of the more complex rxjava statements in java and how to do same under groovy

    – Vahid
    Nov 15 '18 at 17:03

  • 3


    – Iłya Bursov
    Nov 15 '18 at 17:07

  • okay thank you for your input

    – Vahid
    Nov 15 '18 at 17:09

  • If you have failing code, then please add your attempt and what errors you get to the question. An potential answer can work from that then.

    – cfrick
    Nov 15 '18 at 20:03




The actual code is here

private Function<String, Mono<? extends Offer>> keyToOffer(RedisReactiveCommands<String, String> commands) {
return key -> {
Flux<KeyValue<String, String>> values = commands.hmget(key, "price", "description");
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(3);
return values.reduce(map, (all, keyValue) -> {
all.put(keyValue.getKey(), keyValue.getValue());
return all;
.flatMap(entries -> {
String description = entries.get("description", String.class).orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException("No description"));
BigDecimal price = entries.get("price", BigDecimal.class).orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException("No price"));
Flowable<Pet> findPetFlowable = petClient.find(key).toFlowable();
return Mono.from(findPetFlowable).map(pet -> new Offer(pet, description, price));

I have tried in a variety of different ways to convert above into groovy and all attempts so far not worked out too well. I wondered if anyone better with groovy could help

My attempt wasn't posted since the code itself firstly returns Ambiguous code block in Intelij and secondly looks totally wrong.

 private Function<String, Mono<? extends Orders>> keyToOrder(RedisReactiveCommands<String, String> commands) {
return { key -> {
Flux<KeyValue<String, String>> values = commands.hmget(key, "price", "description");
Map map = [:]
return values.reduce(map, (all, keyValue)= {all.put(keyValue.getKey(), keyValue.getValue());
return all
}).map({entries -> ConvertibleValues.of(entries)})
.flatMap({entries -> {
String description = entries.get("description", String.class).orElseThrow({ new IllegalStateException("No description")});
BigDecimal price = entries.get("price", BigDecimal.class).orElseThrow({new IllegalStateException("No price")});
Flowable<Item> findItemFlowable = itemClient.find(key).toFlowable();
return Mono.from(findItemFlowable).map({item -> new Orders(item, description, price)});

When attempting to convert to groovy the biggest struggle appeared to be around:

return values.reduce(map, (all, keyValue)= {all.put(keyValue.getKey(), keyValue.getValue());
return all

This is nothing like what the original java code looked like and really unsure if it would even behave as it should. The issue I had was to find anything aorund RXJAVA Flux .reduce written in groovy out there.

The Ambiguous code block is around this entire flatMap segment at the very bottom

 .flatMap({entries -> {

I haven't checked in this change nor did I post it since frankly it was embarrassing.

I have also come across:

numbers.reduce({ a, b -> a+b }).

and ended up with:

Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(3);
return values.reduce({all, keyValue->
all.put(keyValue.getKey(), keyValue.getValue());
return all
}).map({entries -> ConvertibleValues.of(entries)})

But this again looks wrong and doesn't really match what the java code was doing.

Final edit to suggest I have got Intelij to accept the code as groovy but not quite sure if it is what the java code was actually doing, since declared map is not even used:

private Function<String, Mono<? extends Orders>> keyToOrder(RedisReactiveCommands<String, String> commands) {
Flux<KeyValue<String, String>> values = commands.hmget(key, "price", "description");
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(3);
values.reduce({all, keyValue->
all.put(keyValue.getKey(), keyValue.getValue());
return all
}).map({entries -> ConvertibleValues.of(entries)})
.flatMap({entries -> bindEntry(entries)});
return values.key

private Mono<Orders> bindEntry(entries) {
String description = entries.get("description", String.class).orElseThrow({ new IllegalStateException("No description")});
BigDecimal price = entries.get("price", BigDecimal.class).orElseThrow({new IllegalStateException("No price")});
Flowable<Item> findItemFlowable = itemClient.find(key).toFlowable();
return Mono.from(findItemFlowable).map({item -> new Orders(item, description, price)});


share|improve this question

The actual code is here

private Function<String, Mono<? extends Offer>> keyToOffer(RedisReactiveCommands<String, String> commands) {
return key -> {
Flux<KeyValue<String, String>> values = commands.hmget(key, "price", "description");
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(3);
return values.reduce(map, (all, keyValue) -> {
all.put(keyValue.getKey(), keyValue.getValue());
return all;
.flatMap(entries -> {
String description = entries.get("description", String.class).orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException("No description"));
BigDecimal price = entries.get("price", BigDecimal.class).orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException("No price"));
Flowable<Pet> findPetFlowable = petClient.find(key).toFlowable();
return Mono.from(findPetFlowable).map(pet -> new Offer(pet, description, price));

I have tried in a variety of different ways to convert above into groovy and all attempts so far not worked out too well. I wondered if anyone better with groovy could help

My attempt wasn't posted since the code itself firstly returns Ambiguous code block in Intelij and secondly looks totally wrong.

 private Function<String, Mono<? extends Orders>> keyToOrder(RedisReactiveCommands<String, String> commands) {
return { key -> {
Flux<KeyValue<String, String>> values = commands.hmget(key, "price", "description");
Map map = [:]
return values.reduce(map, (all, keyValue)= {all.put(keyValue.getKey(), keyValue.getValue());
return all
}).map({entries -> ConvertibleValues.of(entries)})
.flatMap({entries -> {
String description = entries.get("description", String.class).orElseThrow({ new IllegalStateException("No description")});
BigDecimal price = entries.get("price", BigDecimal.class).orElseThrow({new IllegalStateException("No price")});
Flowable<Item> findItemFlowable = itemClient.find(key).toFlowable();
return Mono.from(findItemFlowable).map({item -> new Orders(item, description, price)});

When attempting to convert to groovy the biggest struggle appeared to be around:

return values.reduce(map, (all, keyValue)= {all.put(keyValue.getKey(), keyValue.getValue());
return all

This is nothing like what the original java code looked like and really unsure if it would even behave as it should. The issue I had was to find anything aorund RXJAVA Flux .reduce written in groovy out there.

The Ambiguous code block is around this entire flatMap segment at the very bottom

 .flatMap({entries -> {

I haven't checked in this change nor did I post it since frankly it was embarrassing.

I have also come across:

numbers.reduce({ a, b -> a+b }).

and ended up with:

Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(3);
return values.reduce({all, keyValue->
all.put(keyValue.getKey(), keyValue.getValue());
return all
}).map({entries -> ConvertibleValues.of(entries)})

But this again looks wrong and doesn't really match what the java code was doing.

Final edit to suggest I have got Intelij to accept the code as groovy but not quite sure if it is what the java code was actually doing, since declared map is not even used:

private Function<String, Mono<? extends Orders>> keyToOrder(RedisReactiveCommands<String, String> commands) {
Flux<KeyValue<String, String>> values = commands.hmget(key, "price", "description");
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(3);
values.reduce({all, keyValue->
all.put(keyValue.getKey(), keyValue.getValue());
return all
}).map({entries -> ConvertibleValues.of(entries)})
.flatMap({entries -> bindEntry(entries)});
return values.key

private Mono<Orders> bindEntry(entries) {
String description = entries.get("description", String.class).orElseThrow({ new IllegalStateException("No description")});
BigDecimal price = entries.get("price", BigDecimal.class).orElseThrow({new IllegalStateException("No price")});
Flowable<Item> findItemFlowable = itemClient.find(key).toFlowable();
return Mono.from(findItemFlowable).map({item -> new Orders(item, description, price)});


java groovy rx-java2 micronaut

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edited Nov 16 '18 at 9:56


asked Nov 15 '18 at 16:59




  • I'm not sure what is the question here - do you want us to re-write this class for you?

    – Iłya Bursov
    Nov 15 '18 at 17:01

  • Hi llya In short if above can be converted from java to groovy that would be great github.com/vahidhedayati/micronaut-java-groovy-comparison/blob/… - the first link is what I am trying from this code github.com/vahidhedayati/micronaut-java-groovy-comparison/blob/… - Simply trying to understand some of the more complex rxjava statements in java and how to do same under groovy

    – Vahid
    Nov 15 '18 at 17:03

  • 3


    – Iłya Bursov
    Nov 15 '18 at 17:07

  • okay thank you for your input

    – Vahid
    Nov 15 '18 at 17:09

  • If you have failing code, then please add your attempt and what errors you get to the question. An potential answer can work from that then.

    – cfrick
    Nov 15 '18 at 20:03

  • I'm not sure what is the question here - do you want us to re-write this class for you?

    – Iłya Bursov
    Nov 15 '18 at 17:01

  • Hi llya In short if above can be converted from java to groovy that would be great github.com/vahidhedayati/micronaut-java-groovy-comparison/blob/… - the first link is what I am trying from this code github.com/vahidhedayati/micronaut-java-groovy-comparison/blob/… - Simply trying to understand some of the more complex rxjava statements in java and how to do same under groovy

    – Vahid
    Nov 15 '18 at 17:03

  • 3


    – Iłya Bursov
    Nov 15 '18 at 17:07

  • okay thank you for your input

    – Vahid
    Nov 15 '18 at 17:09

  • If you have failing code, then please add your attempt and what errors you get to the question. An potential answer can work from that then.

    – cfrick
    Nov 15 '18 at 20:03

I'm not sure what is the question here - do you want us to re-write this class for you?

– Iłya Bursov
Nov 15 '18 at 17:01

I'm not sure what is the question here - do you want us to re-write this class for you?

– Iłya Bursov
Nov 15 '18 at 17:01

Hi llya In short if above can be converted from java to groovy that would be great github.com/vahidhedayati/micronaut-java-groovy-comparison/blob/… - the first link is what I am trying from this code github.com/vahidhedayati/micronaut-java-groovy-comparison/blob/… - Simply trying to understand some of the more complex rxjava statements in java and how to do same under groovy

– Vahid
Nov 15 '18 at 17:03

Hi llya In short if above can be converted from java to groovy that would be great github.com/vahidhedayati/micronaut-java-groovy-comparison/blob/… - the first link is what I am trying from this code github.com/vahidhedayati/micronaut-java-groovy-comparison/blob/… - Simply trying to understand some of the more complex rxjava statements in java and how to do same under groovy

– Vahid
Nov 15 '18 at 17:03




– Iłya Bursov
Nov 15 '18 at 17:07


– Iłya Bursov
Nov 15 '18 at 17:07

okay thank you for your input

– Vahid
Nov 15 '18 at 17:09

okay thank you for your input

– Vahid
Nov 15 '18 at 17:09

If you have failing code, then please add your attempt and what errors you get to the question. An potential answer can work from that then.

– cfrick
Nov 15 '18 at 20:03

If you have failing code, then please add your attempt and what errors you get to the question. An potential answer can work from that then.

– cfrick
Nov 15 '18 at 20:03

1 Answer





The likely issue you're facing is because Groovy doesn't support Java method references or lambdas.

The first line is returning a lambda

Java: return key -> {

Groovy: return { key - >

That is using a groovy closure that takes the key as the argument.

Other places that use method references need to be converted

Java: .map(ConvertibleValues::of)

Groovy: .map({ values -> ConvertibleValues.of(values) })

It seems like you have most of that worked out, however you specifically asked about the map not being used. That is because you simply aren't passing it to the method.

values.reduce({all, keyValue->
values.reduce(map, {all, keyValue ->

share|improve this answer

  • Thank you James. Will give this a try a bit later when I get time.

    – Vahid
    Nov 17 '18 at 11:52

  • 1

    .map(ConvertibleValues::of) actually corresponds to .map(ConvertibleValues.&of) in groovy

    – injecteer
    Nov 20 '18 at 14:26

  • @injecteer Yes that also works

    – James Kleeh
    Nov 20 '18 at 17:21

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1 Answer




1 Answer











The likely issue you're facing is because Groovy doesn't support Java method references or lambdas.

The first line is returning a lambda

Java: return key -> {

Groovy: return { key - >

That is using a groovy closure that takes the key as the argument.

Other places that use method references need to be converted

Java: .map(ConvertibleValues::of)

Groovy: .map({ values -> ConvertibleValues.of(values) })

It seems like you have most of that worked out, however you specifically asked about the map not being used. That is because you simply aren't passing it to the method.

values.reduce({all, keyValue->
values.reduce(map, {all, keyValue ->

share|improve this answer

  • Thank you James. Will give this a try a bit later when I get time.

    – Vahid
    Nov 17 '18 at 11:52

  • 1

    .map(ConvertibleValues::of) actually corresponds to .map(ConvertibleValues.&of) in groovy

    – injecteer
    Nov 20 '18 at 14:26

  • @injecteer Yes that also works

    – James Kleeh
    Nov 20 '18 at 17:21


The likely issue you're facing is because Groovy doesn't support Java method references or lambdas.

The first line is returning a lambda

Java: return key -> {

Groovy: return { key - >

That is using a groovy closure that takes the key as the argument.

Other places that use method references need to be converted

Java: .map(ConvertibleValues::of)

Groovy: .map({ values -> ConvertibleValues.of(values) })

It seems like you have most of that worked out, however you specifically asked about the map not being used. That is because you simply aren't passing it to the method.

values.reduce({all, keyValue->
values.reduce(map, {all, keyValue ->

share|improve this answer

  • Thank you James. Will give this a try a bit later when I get time.

    – Vahid
    Nov 17 '18 at 11:52

  • 1

    .map(ConvertibleValues::of) actually corresponds to .map(ConvertibleValues.&of) in groovy

    – injecteer
    Nov 20 '18 at 14:26

  • @injecteer Yes that also works

    – James Kleeh
    Nov 20 '18 at 17:21




The likely issue you're facing is because Groovy doesn't support Java method references or lambdas.

The first line is returning a lambda

Java: return key -> {

Groovy: return { key - >

That is using a groovy closure that takes the key as the argument.

Other places that use method references need to be converted

Java: .map(ConvertibleValues::of)

Groovy: .map({ values -> ConvertibleValues.of(values) })

It seems like you have most of that worked out, however you specifically asked about the map not being used. That is because you simply aren't passing it to the method.

values.reduce({all, keyValue->
values.reduce(map, {all, keyValue ->

share|improve this answer

The likely issue you're facing is because Groovy doesn't support Java method references or lambdas.

The first line is returning a lambda

Java: return key -> {

Groovy: return { key - >

That is using a groovy closure that takes the key as the argument.

Other places that use method references need to be converted

Java: .map(ConvertibleValues::of)

Groovy: .map({ values -> ConvertibleValues.of(values) })

It seems like you have most of that worked out, however you specifically asked about the map not being used. That is because you simply aren't passing it to the method.

values.reduce({all, keyValue->
values.reduce(map, {all, keyValue ->

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

answered Nov 16 '18 at 21:39

James KleehJames Kleeh



  • Thank you James. Will give this a try a bit later when I get time.

    – Vahid
    Nov 17 '18 at 11:52

  • 1

    .map(ConvertibleValues::of) actually corresponds to .map(ConvertibleValues.&of) in groovy

    – injecteer
    Nov 20 '18 at 14:26

  • @injecteer Yes that also works

    – James Kleeh
    Nov 20 '18 at 17:21

  • Thank you James. Will give this a try a bit later when I get time.

    – Vahid
    Nov 17 '18 at 11:52

  • 1

    .map(ConvertibleValues::of) actually corresponds to .map(ConvertibleValues.&of) in groovy

    – injecteer
    Nov 20 '18 at 14:26

  • @injecteer Yes that also works

    – James Kleeh
    Nov 20 '18 at 17:21

Thank you James. Will give this a try a bit later when I get time.

– Vahid
Nov 17 '18 at 11:52

Thank you James. Will give this a try a bit later when I get time.

– Vahid
Nov 17 '18 at 11:52



.map(ConvertibleValues::of) actually corresponds to .map(ConvertibleValues.&of) in groovy

– injecteer
Nov 20 '18 at 14:26

.map(ConvertibleValues::of) actually corresponds to .map(ConvertibleValues.&of) in groovy

– injecteer
Nov 20 '18 at 14:26

@injecteer Yes that also works

– James Kleeh
Nov 20 '18 at 17:21

@injecteer Yes that also works

– James Kleeh
Nov 20 '18 at 17:21

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