Web api controller is not sending correct message to Ajax call get

up vote
down vote


I don't know why api controller is not returning an error message to ajax, it only returns an "" when it should return "Reason codes not maintained"...

This is the response of

query:tableRCNotMaintained = database.FillDataTable("PCK_GLOBALSCRAP.SP_GETREASONCODESNOTMAINTAINED", fieldRC, values, "outCursor").Tables[0]; 

in function: GetLastMonthRate. GetLastmonthRate function return the list: lastMonthScrap to function: GenerateReport and GenerateReport should return message;"Reason codes not maintained, please check the list". GenerateReport is called by the Api controller and Api controller is called by Ajax in the Index.

Please help me, I am very new in this language (C#) and I'm about to cry!!!

   public class GlobalScrapController : ApiController
public String Start(int month,int year)
List<clsHistoryScrap> scrapReport = new List<clsHistoryScrap>();
string message = string.Empty;
clsGlobalScrap scrap = new clsGlobalScrap();

message = scrap.GenerateReport(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PATH"].ToString(), month, year);

return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(message);

public string GenerateReport(string path,int month,int year)
string message = string.Empty;

if (IsRunning() == false)
LogStart(month, "", "#", "0");
FileInfo FileTemplate;

if (month <= 2) FileTemplate = new FileInfo(path + "\Reports\ScrapReport" + year + Months[0] + ".xlsx");
else FileTemplate = new FileInfo(path + "\Reports\ScrapReport" + year + Months[month - 2] + ".xlsx");
// if (month <= 2) FileTemplate = new FileInfo(path + "\ScrapReport" + year + Months[0] + ".xlsx");//agregado para debuggear //
//else FileTemplate = new FileInfo(path + "\ScrapReport" + year + Months[month - 2] + ".xlsx");//agregado para debuggear //
int StartMonthRow = STARTROW + (month * 4); //Define which row we will start updating data base on the month.
List<clsHistoryScrap> lastMonthScrap = new List<clsHistoryScrap>();
lastMonthScrap = GetLastMonthRate(year, month); //Get Last Month of Scrap data

/* Message "Reason codes not maintained, please check the list"; */
var listTest = lastMonthScrap.Find(r => r.Msg_RC == "Reason codes not maintained, please check the list");

if (listTest.Msg_RC != "")
message = listTest.Msg_RC;
return message; //= "Reason codes not maintained, please check the list";

//If File exists then use current year file, otherwise use Template
if (FileTemplate.Exists == false) FileTemplate = new FileInfo(path + "\Reports\Scrap_Template.xlsx");
// if (FileTemplate.Exists == false) FileTemplate = new FileInfo(path + "\Scrap_Template.xlsx"); //agregado para debuggear //
using (ExcelPackage pck = new ExcelPackage(FileTemplate, true)) //Open File and allow to update
ExcelWorksheet workSheet = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.First();
workSheet.Cells[2, 1].Value = year;
for (int j = 1; j <= tableLiabilities.Rows.Count; j++)
workSheet.Cells[HEADERROW, (int)Fields.L1 + (j - 1)].Value = tableLiabilities.Rows[j - 1]["Liability_Name"].ToString() == "-" ? "" : tableLiabilities.Rows[j - 1]["Liability_Name"].ToString();
var plants = lastMonthScrap.Select(r => r.Site).Distinct();
int i = 0;
foreach (string plant in plants)
var listSelected = lastMonthScrap.Find(r => r.Site == plant);
for (int j = 1; j <= 11; j++)
var liability = listSelected.lstLiabilities.Find(x => x.code == "L" + j);
workSheet.Cells[StartMonthRow + i, (int)Fields.L1 + (j - 1)].Value = Double.Parse(liability.value);
workSheet.Cells[StartMonthRow + i, (int)Fields.KPI].Value = Double.Parse(listSelected.KPI) * .01;
workSheet.Cells[StartMonthRow + i, (int)Fields.REVENUE].Value = Double.Parse(listSelected.Revenue);
workSheet.Cells[56 + i, (int)Fields.KPI].Value = Double.Parse(listSelected.KPI) * .01; //Grand Total KPI


FileInfo fileNew = new FileInfo(path + "\Reports\ScrapReport" + year + Months[month - 1] + ".xlsx");
//FileInfo fileNew = new FileInfo(path + "\ScrapReport" + year + Months[month - 1] + ".xlsx");//agregado para debuggear//
SaveHistorical(lastMonthScrap, month);
LogStart(month, "../Reports/ScrapReport" + year + Months[month - 1] + ".xlsx", Months[month-1] + " Scrap", "1");
//LogStart(month, "../ScrapReport" + year + Months[month - 1] + ".xlsx", Months[month - 1] + " Scrap", "1");
return "";
} //ELSE - message "Reason codes not maintained, please check the list";

return message;


public List<clsHistoryScrap> GetLastMonthRate(int year, int lastMonth)
List<clsHistoryScrap> lastMonthScrap = new List<clsHistoryScrap>();
clsHistoryScrap lastMonthScrapSite = new clsHistoryScrap();

string message = string.Empty;

//1. Obtain Historical Data from Database.
string connString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DatabaseScrap"].ConnectionString;
clsOracle database = new clsOracle(connString);
DataTable tableMonthScrap = new DataTable();
DataTable tableRevenue = new DataTable();
DataTable tableRCNotMaintained = new DataTable();
int daysInMonth = DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, lastMonth);
string fields = new string { "inStartMonth", "inEndMonth" };
string values = new string { year + lastMonth.ToString().PadLeft(2,'0') + "01",
year + lastMonth.ToString().PadLeft(2,'0') + daysInMonth};
string fieldRevenue = new string { "inStartMonth", "inEndMonth" };
string fieldRC = new string { "inStartMonth", "inEndMonth" };
tableMonthScrap = database.FillDataTable("PCK_GLOBALSCRAP.SP_GETLASTMONTH", fields, values, "outCursor").Tables[0];//Lastmonth's Raw data
tableRCNotMaintained = database.FillDataTable("PCK_GLOBALSCRAP.SP_GETREASONCODESNOTMAINTAINED", fieldRC, values, "outCursor").Tables[0];

/* mensaje de "Reason codes not maintained, please check the list"; */
if (tableRCNotMaintained.Rows.Count >= 1)

lastMonthScrapSite.Msg_RC = "Reason codes not maintained, please check the list";


return lastMonthScrap;
{ //*/
tableLiabilities = database.FillDataTable("PCK_GLOBALSCRAP.SP_GETLIABILITIES", "outCursor").Tables[0];
tableRevenue = database.FillDataTable("PCK_GLOBALSCRAP.SP_GETREVENUE", fieldRevenue, values, "outCursor").Tables[0];
List<clsLiabilityLabels> lastMonthLiabilities = new List<clsLiabilityLabels>();
string _plants = "F912,F136,F522";
//string _plants = "F912,F522,F136";
string plants = _plants.Split(',');
foreach (string plant in plants)

lastMonthLiabilities = new List<clsLiabilityLabels>();
foreach (DataRow row in tableLiabilities.Rows) //For each liability
string liability = row["LIABILITY_NAME"].ToString();
decimal sum = tableMonthScrap.AsEnumerable()
.Where(r => r.Field<string>("LIABILITY_NAME") == liability && r.Field<string>("plant_from") == plant)
.Sum(r => r.Field<decimal>("LiabilityValue")); //Total Value (Value must be multiplied by Std Cost and conversion rate applied) by Liability

if (liability == "-")
lastMonthLiabilities.Add(new clsLiabilityLabels() { description = "", value = "0", code = row["LIABILITY_NUMBER"].ToString() });
lastMonthLiabilities.Add(new clsLiabilityLabels() { description = liability, value = sum.ToString(), code = row["LIABILITY_NUMBER"].ToString() });
decimal revenue = tableRevenue.AsEnumerable()
.Where(r => r.Field<string>("plant_from") == plant)
.Sum(r => r.Field<decimal>("ShipmentAmount")); //Total Value (Value must be multiplied by Std Cost and conversion rate applied) by Liability

lastMonthScrapSite.KPI = GetKPI().ToString(); //Get KPI Maintained for the month
lastMonthScrapSite.Mes = Months[lastMonth];
lastMonthScrapSite.Ops_Scrap_Percentage = ""; //?
lastMonthScrapSite.Site = ((Sites)int.Parse(plant.Substring(1))).ToString();
lastMonthScrapSite.Total_Scrap = ""; //?
lastMonthScrapSite.TTL_Scrap = ""; //?
lastMonthScrapSite.Werks = plant;
lastMonthScrapSite.Year = year.ToString();
lastMonthScrapSite.lstLiabilities = lastMonthLiabilities;
lastMonthScrapSite.Revenue = revenue.ToString();
//Once Revenue is calculated add to the list.
} //else - message "Reason codes not maintained, please check the list";
return lastMonthScrap;

function StartJob() {
// clearMessage();
alert('This will take some minutes');
var elem = "<i class='fa fa-circle-o-notch fa-spin fa-fw fa-2x'></i>&nbsp;Global Scrap Report is being generated...please wait.";
var d = new Date();
var month = d.getMonth();
var year=d.getFullYear();
if (month == 0) {
month = 12;
year = year - 1;
var parameter = { "month": month, "year": year };
// ajaxCallGet(Link, parameter, '#lblStatus', elem, function (data) { //comentado para debuggear
url: Link, //dataUrl,
type: "GET",
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json",
data: parameter,
beforeSend: function () {
$('#lblStatus').html(elem); // $(element).html(content);
success: function (data) {
//Once a response is received we will get the status and files
if (data == "") {
else {
}, // AJAX
error: function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
// alert(JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).Message);
} //success: function (data)

share|improve this question

  • That's a lot of code. The first thing you need to do is step through it in debug mode and see what happens
    – Nick.McDermaid
    Nov 12 at 0:36

  • I missed the ajax ... :(
    – Eclipse Solar
    Nov 12 at 0:39

  • Put a breakpoint in your action method and debug which lines are getting executed.
    – Shyju
    Nov 12 at 4:08

up vote
down vote


I don't know why api controller is not returning an error message to ajax, it only returns an "" when it should return "Reason codes not maintained"...

This is the response of

query:tableRCNotMaintained = database.FillDataTable("PCK_GLOBALSCRAP.SP_GETREASONCODESNOTMAINTAINED", fieldRC, values, "outCursor").Tables[0]; 

in function: GetLastMonthRate. GetLastmonthRate function return the list: lastMonthScrap to function: GenerateReport and GenerateReport should return message;"Reason codes not maintained, please check the list". GenerateReport is called by the Api controller and Api controller is called by Ajax in the Index.

Please help me, I am very new in this language (C#) and I'm about to cry!!!

   public class GlobalScrapController : ApiController
public String Start(int month,int year)
List<clsHistoryScrap> scrapReport = new List<clsHistoryScrap>();
string message = string.Empty;
clsGlobalScrap scrap = new clsGlobalScrap();

message = scrap.GenerateReport(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PATH"].ToString(), month, year);

return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(message);

public string GenerateReport(string path,int month,int year)
string message = string.Empty;

if (IsRunning() == false)
LogStart(month, "", "#", "0");
FileInfo FileTemplate;

if (month <= 2) FileTemplate = new FileInfo(path + "\Reports\ScrapReport" + year + Months[0] + ".xlsx");
else FileTemplate = new FileInfo(path + "\Reports\ScrapReport" + year + Months[month - 2] + ".xlsx");
// if (month <= 2) FileTemplate = new FileInfo(path + "\ScrapReport" + year + Months[0] + ".xlsx");//agregado para debuggear //
//else FileTemplate = new FileInfo(path + "\ScrapReport" + year + Months[month - 2] + ".xlsx");//agregado para debuggear //
int StartMonthRow = STARTROW + (month * 4); //Define which row we will start updating data base on the month.
List<clsHistoryScrap> lastMonthScrap = new List<clsHistoryScrap>();
lastMonthScrap = GetLastMonthRate(year, month); //Get Last Month of Scrap data

/* Message "Reason codes not maintained, please check the list"; */
var listTest = lastMonthScrap.Find(r => r.Msg_RC == "Reason codes not maintained, please check the list");

if (listTest.Msg_RC != "")
message = listTest.Msg_RC;
return message; //= "Reason codes not maintained, please check the list";

//If File exists then use current year file, otherwise use Template
if (FileTemplate.Exists == false) FileTemplate = new FileInfo(path + "\Reports\Scrap_Template.xlsx");
// if (FileTemplate.Exists == false) FileTemplate = new FileInfo(path + "\Scrap_Template.xlsx"); //agregado para debuggear //
using (ExcelPackage pck = new ExcelPackage(FileTemplate, true)) //Open File and allow to update
ExcelWorksheet workSheet = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.First();
workSheet.Cells[2, 1].Value = year;
for (int j = 1; j <= tableLiabilities.Rows.Count; j++)
workSheet.Cells[HEADERROW, (int)Fields.L1 + (j - 1)].Value = tableLiabilities.Rows[j - 1]["Liability_Name"].ToString() == "-" ? "" : tableLiabilities.Rows[j - 1]["Liability_Name"].ToString();
var plants = lastMonthScrap.Select(r => r.Site).Distinct();
int i = 0;
foreach (string plant in plants)
var listSelected = lastMonthScrap.Find(r => r.Site == plant);
for (int j = 1; j <= 11; j++)
var liability = listSelected.lstLiabilities.Find(x => x.code == "L" + j);
workSheet.Cells[StartMonthRow + i, (int)Fields.L1 + (j - 1)].Value = Double.Parse(liability.value);
workSheet.Cells[StartMonthRow + i, (int)Fields.KPI].Value = Double.Parse(listSelected.KPI) * .01;
workSheet.Cells[StartMonthRow + i, (int)Fields.REVENUE].Value = Double.Parse(listSelected.Revenue);
workSheet.Cells[56 + i, (int)Fields.KPI].Value = Double.Parse(listSelected.KPI) * .01; //Grand Total KPI


FileInfo fileNew = new FileInfo(path + "\Reports\ScrapReport" + year + Months[month - 1] + ".xlsx");
//FileInfo fileNew = new FileInfo(path + "\ScrapReport" + year + Months[month - 1] + ".xlsx");//agregado para debuggear//
SaveHistorical(lastMonthScrap, month);
LogStart(month, "../Reports/ScrapReport" + year + Months[month - 1] + ".xlsx", Months[month-1] + " Scrap", "1");
//LogStart(month, "../ScrapReport" + year + Months[month - 1] + ".xlsx", Months[month - 1] + " Scrap", "1");
return "";
} //ELSE - message "Reason codes not maintained, please check the list";

return message;


public List<clsHistoryScrap> GetLastMonthRate(int year, int lastMonth)
List<clsHistoryScrap> lastMonthScrap = new List<clsHistoryScrap>();
clsHistoryScrap lastMonthScrapSite = new clsHistoryScrap();

string message = string.Empty;

//1. Obtain Historical Data from Database.
string connString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DatabaseScrap"].ConnectionString;
clsOracle database = new clsOracle(connString);
DataTable tableMonthScrap = new DataTable();
DataTable tableRevenue = new DataTable();
DataTable tableRCNotMaintained = new DataTable();
int daysInMonth = DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, lastMonth);
string fields = new string { "inStartMonth", "inEndMonth" };
string values = new string { year + lastMonth.ToString().PadLeft(2,'0') + "01",
year + lastMonth.ToString().PadLeft(2,'0') + daysInMonth};
string fieldRevenue = new string { "inStartMonth", "inEndMonth" };
string fieldRC = new string { "inStartMonth", "inEndMonth" };
tableMonthScrap = database.FillDataTable("PCK_GLOBALSCRAP.SP_GETLASTMONTH", fields, values, "outCursor").Tables[0];//Lastmonth's Raw data
tableRCNotMaintained = database.FillDataTable("PCK_GLOBALSCRAP.SP_GETREASONCODESNOTMAINTAINED", fieldRC, values, "outCursor").Tables[0];

/* mensaje de "Reason codes not maintained, please check the list"; */
if (tableRCNotMaintained.Rows.Count >= 1)

lastMonthScrapSite.Msg_RC = "Reason codes not maintained, please check the list";


return lastMonthScrap;
{ //*/
tableLiabilities = database.FillDataTable("PCK_GLOBALSCRAP.SP_GETLIABILITIES", "outCursor").Tables[0];
tableRevenue = database.FillDataTable("PCK_GLOBALSCRAP.SP_GETREVENUE", fieldRevenue, values, "outCursor").Tables[0];
List<clsLiabilityLabels> lastMonthLiabilities = new List<clsLiabilityLabels>();
string _plants = "F912,F136,F522";
//string _plants = "F912,F522,F136";
string plants = _plants.Split(',');
foreach (string plant in plants)

lastMonthLiabilities = new List<clsLiabilityLabels>();
foreach (DataRow row in tableLiabilities.Rows) //For each liability
string liability = row["LIABILITY_NAME"].ToString();
decimal sum = tableMonthScrap.AsEnumerable()
.Where(r => r.Field<string>("LIABILITY_NAME") == liability && r.Field<string>("plant_from") == plant)
.Sum(r => r.Field<decimal>("LiabilityValue")); //Total Value (Value must be multiplied by Std Cost and conversion rate applied) by Liability

if (liability == "-")
lastMonthLiabilities.Add(new clsLiabilityLabels() { description = "", value = "0", code = row["LIABILITY_NUMBER"].ToString() });
lastMonthLiabilities.Add(new clsLiabilityLabels() { description = liability, value = sum.ToString(), code = row["LIABILITY_NUMBER"].ToString() });
decimal revenue = tableRevenue.AsEnumerable()
.Where(r => r.Field<string>("plant_from") == plant)
.Sum(r => r.Field<decimal>("ShipmentAmount")); //Total Value (Value must be multiplied by Std Cost and conversion rate applied) by Liability

lastMonthScrapSite.KPI = GetKPI().ToString(); //Get KPI Maintained for the month
lastMonthScrapSite.Mes = Months[lastMonth];
lastMonthScrapSite.Ops_Scrap_Percentage = ""; //?
lastMonthScrapSite.Site = ((Sites)int.Parse(plant.Substring(1))).ToString();
lastMonthScrapSite.Total_Scrap = ""; //?
lastMonthScrapSite.TTL_Scrap = ""; //?
lastMonthScrapSite.Werks = plant;
lastMonthScrapSite.Year = year.ToString();
lastMonthScrapSite.lstLiabilities = lastMonthLiabilities;
lastMonthScrapSite.Revenue = revenue.ToString();
//Once Revenue is calculated add to the list.
} //else - message "Reason codes not maintained, please check the list";
return lastMonthScrap;

function StartJob() {
// clearMessage();
alert('This will take some minutes');
var elem = "<i class='fa fa-circle-o-notch fa-spin fa-fw fa-2x'></i>&nbsp;Global Scrap Report is being generated...please wait.";
var d = new Date();
var month = d.getMonth();
var year=d.getFullYear();
if (month == 0) {
month = 12;
year = year - 1;
var parameter = { "month": month, "year": year };
// ajaxCallGet(Link, parameter, '#lblStatus', elem, function (data) { //comentado para debuggear
url: Link, //dataUrl,
type: "GET",
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json",
data: parameter,
beforeSend: function () {
$('#lblStatus').html(elem); // $(element).html(content);
success: function (data) {
//Once a response is received we will get the status and files
if (data == "") {
else {
}, // AJAX
error: function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
// alert(JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).Message);
} //success: function (data)

share|improve this question

  • That's a lot of code. The first thing you need to do is step through it in debug mode and see what happens
    – Nick.McDermaid
    Nov 12 at 0:36

  • I missed the ajax ... :(
    – Eclipse Solar
    Nov 12 at 0:39

  • Put a breakpoint in your action method and debug which lines are getting executed.
    – Shyju
    Nov 12 at 4:08

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


I don't know why api controller is not returning an error message to ajax, it only returns an "" when it should return "Reason codes not maintained"...

This is the response of

query:tableRCNotMaintained = database.FillDataTable("PCK_GLOBALSCRAP.SP_GETREASONCODESNOTMAINTAINED", fieldRC, values, "outCursor").Tables[0]; 

in function: GetLastMonthRate. GetLastmonthRate function return the list: lastMonthScrap to function: GenerateReport and GenerateReport should return message;"Reason codes not maintained, please check the list". GenerateReport is called by the Api controller and Api controller is called by Ajax in the Index.

Please help me, I am very new in this language (C#) and I'm about to cry!!!

   public class GlobalScrapController : ApiController
public String Start(int month,int year)
List<clsHistoryScrap> scrapReport = new List<clsHistoryScrap>();
string message = string.Empty;
clsGlobalScrap scrap = new clsGlobalScrap();

message = scrap.GenerateReport(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PATH"].ToString(), month, year);

return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(message);

public string GenerateReport(string path,int month,int year)
string message = string.Empty;

if (IsRunning() == false)
LogStart(month, "", "#", "0");
FileInfo FileTemplate;

if (month <= 2) FileTemplate = new FileInfo(path + "\Reports\ScrapReport" + year + Months[0] + ".xlsx");
else FileTemplate = new FileInfo(path + "\Reports\ScrapReport" + year + Months[month - 2] + ".xlsx");
// if (month <= 2) FileTemplate = new FileInfo(path + "\ScrapReport" + year + Months[0] + ".xlsx");//agregado para debuggear //
//else FileTemplate = new FileInfo(path + "\ScrapReport" + year + Months[month - 2] + ".xlsx");//agregado para debuggear //
int StartMonthRow = STARTROW + (month * 4); //Define which row we will start updating data base on the month.
List<clsHistoryScrap> lastMonthScrap = new List<clsHistoryScrap>();
lastMonthScrap = GetLastMonthRate(year, month); //Get Last Month of Scrap data

/* Message "Reason codes not maintained, please check the list"; */
var listTest = lastMonthScrap.Find(r => r.Msg_RC == "Reason codes not maintained, please check the list");

if (listTest.Msg_RC != "")
message = listTest.Msg_RC;
return message; //= "Reason codes not maintained, please check the list";

//If File exists then use current year file, otherwise use Template
if (FileTemplate.Exists == false) FileTemplate = new FileInfo(path + "\Reports\Scrap_Template.xlsx");
// if (FileTemplate.Exists == false) FileTemplate = new FileInfo(path + "\Scrap_Template.xlsx"); //agregado para debuggear //
using (ExcelPackage pck = new ExcelPackage(FileTemplate, true)) //Open File and allow to update
ExcelWorksheet workSheet = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.First();
workSheet.Cells[2, 1].Value = year;
for (int j = 1; j <= tableLiabilities.Rows.Count; j++)
workSheet.Cells[HEADERROW, (int)Fields.L1 + (j - 1)].Value = tableLiabilities.Rows[j - 1]["Liability_Name"].ToString() == "-" ? "" : tableLiabilities.Rows[j - 1]["Liability_Name"].ToString();
var plants = lastMonthScrap.Select(r => r.Site).Distinct();
int i = 0;
foreach (string plant in plants)
var listSelected = lastMonthScrap.Find(r => r.Site == plant);
for (int j = 1; j <= 11; j++)
var liability = listSelected.lstLiabilities.Find(x => x.code == "L" + j);
workSheet.Cells[StartMonthRow + i, (int)Fields.L1 + (j - 1)].Value = Double.Parse(liability.value);
workSheet.Cells[StartMonthRow + i, (int)Fields.KPI].Value = Double.Parse(listSelected.KPI) * .01;
workSheet.Cells[StartMonthRow + i, (int)Fields.REVENUE].Value = Double.Parse(listSelected.Revenue);
workSheet.Cells[56 + i, (int)Fields.KPI].Value = Double.Parse(listSelected.KPI) * .01; //Grand Total KPI


FileInfo fileNew = new FileInfo(path + "\Reports\ScrapReport" + year + Months[month - 1] + ".xlsx");
//FileInfo fileNew = new FileInfo(path + "\ScrapReport" + year + Months[month - 1] + ".xlsx");//agregado para debuggear//
SaveHistorical(lastMonthScrap, month);
LogStart(month, "../Reports/ScrapReport" + year + Months[month - 1] + ".xlsx", Months[month-1] + " Scrap", "1");
//LogStart(month, "../ScrapReport" + year + Months[month - 1] + ".xlsx", Months[month - 1] + " Scrap", "1");
return "";
} //ELSE - message "Reason codes not maintained, please check the list";

return message;


public List<clsHistoryScrap> GetLastMonthRate(int year, int lastMonth)
List<clsHistoryScrap> lastMonthScrap = new List<clsHistoryScrap>();
clsHistoryScrap lastMonthScrapSite = new clsHistoryScrap();

string message = string.Empty;

//1. Obtain Historical Data from Database.
string connString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DatabaseScrap"].ConnectionString;
clsOracle database = new clsOracle(connString);
DataTable tableMonthScrap = new DataTable();
DataTable tableRevenue = new DataTable();
DataTable tableRCNotMaintained = new DataTable();
int daysInMonth = DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, lastMonth);
string fields = new string { "inStartMonth", "inEndMonth" };
string values = new string { year + lastMonth.ToString().PadLeft(2,'0') + "01",
year + lastMonth.ToString().PadLeft(2,'0') + daysInMonth};
string fieldRevenue = new string { "inStartMonth", "inEndMonth" };
string fieldRC = new string { "inStartMonth", "inEndMonth" };
tableMonthScrap = database.FillDataTable("PCK_GLOBALSCRAP.SP_GETLASTMONTH", fields, values, "outCursor").Tables[0];//Lastmonth's Raw data
tableRCNotMaintained = database.FillDataTable("PCK_GLOBALSCRAP.SP_GETREASONCODESNOTMAINTAINED", fieldRC, values, "outCursor").Tables[0];

/* mensaje de "Reason codes not maintained, please check the list"; */
if (tableRCNotMaintained.Rows.Count >= 1)

lastMonthScrapSite.Msg_RC = "Reason codes not maintained, please check the list";


return lastMonthScrap;
{ //*/
tableLiabilities = database.FillDataTable("PCK_GLOBALSCRAP.SP_GETLIABILITIES", "outCursor").Tables[0];
tableRevenue = database.FillDataTable("PCK_GLOBALSCRAP.SP_GETREVENUE", fieldRevenue, values, "outCursor").Tables[0];
List<clsLiabilityLabels> lastMonthLiabilities = new List<clsLiabilityLabels>();
string _plants = "F912,F136,F522";
//string _plants = "F912,F522,F136";
string plants = _plants.Split(',');
foreach (string plant in plants)

lastMonthLiabilities = new List<clsLiabilityLabels>();
foreach (DataRow row in tableLiabilities.Rows) //For each liability
string liability = row["LIABILITY_NAME"].ToString();
decimal sum = tableMonthScrap.AsEnumerable()
.Where(r => r.Field<string>("LIABILITY_NAME") == liability && r.Field<string>("plant_from") == plant)
.Sum(r => r.Field<decimal>("LiabilityValue")); //Total Value (Value must be multiplied by Std Cost and conversion rate applied) by Liability

if (liability == "-")
lastMonthLiabilities.Add(new clsLiabilityLabels() { description = "", value = "0", code = row["LIABILITY_NUMBER"].ToString() });
lastMonthLiabilities.Add(new clsLiabilityLabels() { description = liability, value = sum.ToString(), code = row["LIABILITY_NUMBER"].ToString() });
decimal revenue = tableRevenue.AsEnumerable()
.Where(r => r.Field<string>("plant_from") == plant)
.Sum(r => r.Field<decimal>("ShipmentAmount")); //Total Value (Value must be multiplied by Std Cost and conversion rate applied) by Liability

lastMonthScrapSite.KPI = GetKPI().ToString(); //Get KPI Maintained for the month
lastMonthScrapSite.Mes = Months[lastMonth];
lastMonthScrapSite.Ops_Scrap_Percentage = ""; //?
lastMonthScrapSite.Site = ((Sites)int.Parse(plant.Substring(1))).ToString();
lastMonthScrapSite.Total_Scrap = ""; //?
lastMonthScrapSite.TTL_Scrap = ""; //?
lastMonthScrapSite.Werks = plant;
lastMonthScrapSite.Year = year.ToString();
lastMonthScrapSite.lstLiabilities = lastMonthLiabilities;
lastMonthScrapSite.Revenue = revenue.ToString();
//Once Revenue is calculated add to the list.
} //else - message "Reason codes not maintained, please check the list";
return lastMonthScrap;

function StartJob() {
// clearMessage();
alert('This will take some minutes');
var elem = "<i class='fa fa-circle-o-notch fa-spin fa-fw fa-2x'></i>&nbsp;Global Scrap Report is being generated...please wait.";
var d = new Date();
var month = d.getMonth();
var year=d.getFullYear();
if (month == 0) {
month = 12;
year = year - 1;
var parameter = { "month": month, "year": year };
// ajaxCallGet(Link, parameter, '#lblStatus', elem, function (data) { //comentado para debuggear
url: Link, //dataUrl,
type: "GET",
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json",
data: parameter,
beforeSend: function () {
$('#lblStatus').html(elem); // $(element).html(content);
success: function (data) {
//Once a response is received we will get the status and files
if (data == "") {
else {
}, // AJAX
error: function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
// alert(JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).Message);
} //success: function (data)

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I don't know why api controller is not returning an error message to ajax, it only returns an "" when it should return "Reason codes not maintained"...

This is the response of

query:tableRCNotMaintained = database.FillDataTable("PCK_GLOBALSCRAP.SP_GETREASONCODESNOTMAINTAINED", fieldRC, values, "outCursor").Tables[0]; 

in function: GetLastMonthRate. GetLastmonthRate function return the list: lastMonthScrap to function: GenerateReport and GenerateReport should return message;"Reason codes not maintained, please check the list". GenerateReport is called by the Api controller and Api controller is called by Ajax in the Index.

Please help me, I am very new in this language (C#) and I'm about to cry!!!

   public class GlobalScrapController : ApiController
public String Start(int month,int year)
List<clsHistoryScrap> scrapReport = new List<clsHistoryScrap>();
string message = string.Empty;
clsGlobalScrap scrap = new clsGlobalScrap();

message = scrap.GenerateReport(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PATH"].ToString(), month, year);

return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(message);

public string GenerateReport(string path,int month,int year)
string message = string.Empty;

if (IsRunning() == false)
LogStart(month, "", "#", "0");
FileInfo FileTemplate;

if (month <= 2) FileTemplate = new FileInfo(path + "\Reports\ScrapReport" + year + Months[0] + ".xlsx");
else FileTemplate = new FileInfo(path + "\Reports\ScrapReport" + year + Months[month - 2] + ".xlsx");
// if (month <= 2) FileTemplate = new FileInfo(path + "\ScrapReport" + year + Months[0] + ".xlsx");//agregado para debuggear //
//else FileTemplate = new FileInfo(path + "\ScrapReport" + year + Months[month - 2] + ".xlsx");//agregado para debuggear //
int StartMonthRow = STARTROW + (month * 4); //Define which row we will start updating data base on the month.
List<clsHistoryScrap> lastMonthScrap = new List<clsHistoryScrap>();
lastMonthScrap = GetLastMonthRate(year, month); //Get Last Month of Scrap data

/* Message "Reason codes not maintained, please check the list"; */
var listTest = lastMonthScrap.Find(r => r.Msg_RC == "Reason codes not maintained, please check the list");

if (listTest.Msg_RC != "")
message = listTest.Msg_RC;
return message; //= "Reason codes not maintained, please check the list";

//If File exists then use current year file, otherwise use Template
if (FileTemplate.Exists == false) FileTemplate = new FileInfo(path + "\Reports\Scrap_Template.xlsx");
// if (FileTemplate.Exists == false) FileTemplate = new FileInfo(path + "\Scrap_Template.xlsx"); //agregado para debuggear //
using (ExcelPackage pck = new ExcelPackage(FileTemplate, true)) //Open File and allow to update
ExcelWorksheet workSheet = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.First();
workSheet.Cells[2, 1].Value = year;
for (int j = 1; j <= tableLiabilities.Rows.Count; j++)
workSheet.Cells[HEADERROW, (int)Fields.L1 + (j - 1)].Value = tableLiabilities.Rows[j - 1]["Liability_Name"].ToString() == "-" ? "" : tableLiabilities.Rows[j - 1]["Liability_Name"].ToString();
var plants = lastMonthScrap.Select(r => r.Site).Distinct();
int i = 0;
foreach (string plant in plants)
var listSelected = lastMonthScrap.Find(r => r.Site == plant);
for (int j = 1; j <= 11; j++)
var liability = listSelected.lstLiabilities.Find(x => x.code == "L" + j);
workSheet.Cells[StartMonthRow + i, (int)Fields.L1 + (j - 1)].Value = Double.Parse(liability.value);
workSheet.Cells[StartMonthRow + i, (int)Fields.KPI].Value = Double.Parse(listSelected.KPI) * .01;
workSheet.Cells[StartMonthRow + i, (int)Fields.REVENUE].Value = Double.Parse(listSelected.Revenue);
workSheet.Cells[56 + i, (int)Fields.KPI].Value = Double.Parse(listSelected.KPI) * .01; //Grand Total KPI


FileInfo fileNew = new FileInfo(path + "\Reports\ScrapReport" + year + Months[month - 1] + ".xlsx");
//FileInfo fileNew = new FileInfo(path + "\ScrapReport" + year + Months[month - 1] + ".xlsx");//agregado para debuggear//
SaveHistorical(lastMonthScrap, month);
LogStart(month, "../Reports/ScrapReport" + year + Months[month - 1] + ".xlsx", Months[month-1] + " Scrap", "1");
//LogStart(month, "../ScrapReport" + year + Months[month - 1] + ".xlsx", Months[month - 1] + " Scrap", "1");
return "";
} //ELSE - message "Reason codes not maintained, please check the list";

return message;


public List<clsHistoryScrap> GetLastMonthRate(int year, int lastMonth)
List<clsHistoryScrap> lastMonthScrap = new List<clsHistoryScrap>();
clsHistoryScrap lastMonthScrapSite = new clsHistoryScrap();

string message = string.Empty;

//1. Obtain Historical Data from Database.
string connString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DatabaseScrap"].ConnectionString;
clsOracle database = new clsOracle(connString);
DataTable tableMonthScrap = new DataTable();
DataTable tableRevenue = new DataTable();
DataTable tableRCNotMaintained = new DataTable();
int daysInMonth = DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, lastMonth);
string fields = new string { "inStartMonth", "inEndMonth" };
string values = new string { year + lastMonth.ToString().PadLeft(2,'0') + "01",
year + lastMonth.ToString().PadLeft(2,'0') + daysInMonth};
string fieldRevenue = new string { "inStartMonth", "inEndMonth" };
string fieldRC = new string { "inStartMonth", "inEndMonth" };
tableMonthScrap = database.FillDataTable("PCK_GLOBALSCRAP.SP_GETLASTMONTH", fields, values, "outCursor").Tables[0];//Lastmonth's Raw data
tableRCNotMaintained = database.FillDataTable("PCK_GLOBALSCRAP.SP_GETREASONCODESNOTMAINTAINED", fieldRC, values, "outCursor").Tables[0];

/* mensaje de "Reason codes not maintained, please check the list"; */
if (tableRCNotMaintained.Rows.Count >= 1)

lastMonthScrapSite.Msg_RC = "Reason codes not maintained, please check the list";


return lastMonthScrap;
{ //*/
tableLiabilities = database.FillDataTable("PCK_GLOBALSCRAP.SP_GETLIABILITIES", "outCursor").Tables[0];
tableRevenue = database.FillDataTable("PCK_GLOBALSCRAP.SP_GETREVENUE", fieldRevenue, values, "outCursor").Tables[0];
List<clsLiabilityLabels> lastMonthLiabilities = new List<clsLiabilityLabels>();
string _plants = "F912,F136,F522";
//string _plants = "F912,F522,F136";
string plants = _plants.Split(',');
foreach (string plant in plants)

lastMonthLiabilities = new List<clsLiabilityLabels>();
foreach (DataRow row in tableLiabilities.Rows) //For each liability
string liability = row["LIABILITY_NAME"].ToString();
decimal sum = tableMonthScrap.AsEnumerable()
.Where(r => r.Field<string>("LIABILITY_NAME") == liability && r.Field<string>("plant_from") == plant)
.Sum(r => r.Field<decimal>("LiabilityValue")); //Total Value (Value must be multiplied by Std Cost and conversion rate applied) by Liability

if (liability == "-")
lastMonthLiabilities.Add(new clsLiabilityLabels() { description = "", value = "0", code = row["LIABILITY_NUMBER"].ToString() });
lastMonthLiabilities.Add(new clsLiabilityLabels() { description = liability, value = sum.ToString(), code = row["LIABILITY_NUMBER"].ToString() });
decimal revenue = tableRevenue.AsEnumerable()
.Where(r => r.Field<string>("plant_from") == plant)
.Sum(r => r.Field<decimal>("ShipmentAmount")); //Total Value (Value must be multiplied by Std Cost and conversion rate applied) by Liability

lastMonthScrapSite.KPI = GetKPI().ToString(); //Get KPI Maintained for the month
lastMonthScrapSite.Mes = Months[lastMonth];
lastMonthScrapSite.Ops_Scrap_Percentage = ""; //?
lastMonthScrapSite.Site = ((Sites)int.Parse(plant.Substring(1))).ToString();
lastMonthScrapSite.Total_Scrap = ""; //?
lastMonthScrapSite.TTL_Scrap = ""; //?
lastMonthScrapSite.Werks = plant;
lastMonthScrapSite.Year = year.ToString();
lastMonthScrapSite.lstLiabilities = lastMonthLiabilities;
lastMonthScrapSite.Revenue = revenue.ToString();
//Once Revenue is calculated add to the list.
} //else - message "Reason codes not maintained, please check the list";
return lastMonthScrap;

function StartJob() {
// clearMessage();
alert('This will take some minutes');
var elem = "<i class='fa fa-circle-o-notch fa-spin fa-fw fa-2x'></i>&nbsp;Global Scrap Report is being generated...please wait.";
var d = new Date();
var month = d.getMonth();
var year=d.getFullYear();
if (month == 0) {
month = 12;
year = year - 1;
var parameter = { "month": month, "year": year };
// ajaxCallGet(Link, parameter, '#lblStatus', elem, function (data) { //comentado para debuggear
url: Link, //dataUrl,
type: "GET",
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json",
data: parameter,
beforeSend: function () {
$('#lblStatus').html(elem); // $(element).html(content);
success: function (data) {
//Once a response is received we will get the status and files
if (data == "") {
else {
}, // AJAX
error: function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
// alert(JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).Message);
} //success: function (data)

asp.net-web-api model-view-controller

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edited Nov 25 at 21:43




asked Nov 12 at 0:31

Eclipse Solar



  • That's a lot of code. The first thing you need to do is step through it in debug mode and see what happens
    – Nick.McDermaid
    Nov 12 at 0:36

  • I missed the ajax ... :(
    – Eclipse Solar
    Nov 12 at 0:39

  • Put a breakpoint in your action method and debug which lines are getting executed.
    – Shyju
    Nov 12 at 4:08

  • That's a lot of code. The first thing you need to do is step through it in debug mode and see what happens
    – Nick.McDermaid
    Nov 12 at 0:36

  • I missed the ajax ... :(
    – Eclipse Solar
    Nov 12 at 0:39

  • Put a breakpoint in your action method and debug which lines are getting executed.
    – Shyju
    Nov 12 at 4:08

That's a lot of code. The first thing you need to do is step through it in debug mode and see what happens
– Nick.McDermaid
Nov 12 at 0:36

That's a lot of code. The first thing you need to do is step through it in debug mode and see what happens
– Nick.McDermaid
Nov 12 at 0:36

I missed the ajax ... :(
– Eclipse Solar
Nov 12 at 0:39

I missed the ajax ... :(
– Eclipse Solar
Nov 12 at 0:39

Put a breakpoint in your action method and debug which lines are getting executed.
– Shyju
Nov 12 at 4:08

Put a breakpoint in your action method and debug which lines are getting executed.
– Shyju
Nov 12 at 4:08




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