Historic Sites and Monuments in Antarctica

A Historic Site or Monument (HSM) is a protected location of historic interest on the continent of Antarctica, or on its adjacent islands. The list of historic sites was first drawn up in 1972,[1] and has since expanded to cover 85 sites, with the most recent listed in 2013. Five sites have been removed from the list for various reasons.

Historic Sites and Monuments are protected under the Antarctic Treaty System, as one of three classes of Antarctic Protected Areas.[2]

The criteria for listing a site are that it should fulfil one or more of the following criteria:[3]

a) a particular historic event occurred at that location;

b) it is associated with a significant person in Antarctic history;

c) it is associated with a significant feat of "endurance or achievement";

d) it is representative of a wider activity "important in the development and knowledge of Antarctica";

e) the building itself is of intrinsic technical, historical, cultural or architectural significance;

f) it has educational potential about "significant human activities" in Antarctica; or that

g) it has "symbolic or commemorative value for people of many nations"


  • 1 List of HSMs

  • 2 See also

  • 3 External links

  • 4 References

List of HSMs

See also

  • Antarctic Specially Protected Area

External links

  • ATCM Measure V (2015). Annex: Revised List of Historic Sites and Monuments. ATCM Sofia, 1–10 June 2015. pp. 21–42.


  1. ^ Recommendation ATCM VII-9 (Wellington, 1972)

  2. ^ Antarctic Protected Areas explained by the Antarctic Treaty System

  3. ^ Guidelines for the designation and protection of HSM

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