How do I use nodejs to structure a json file outputted from a nodejs script?

up vote
down vote


I am using nodejs script to translate a json file from English to French. The translations are being outputted into a fr.json file but not in the format I need.

This is the input en.json file that I want to translate:

"id": "EnterEmailForm.pleaseRegisterHere",
"defaultMessage": "Email was not found, please register here",
"filepath": "./src/accounts/components/EnterEmailForm/EnterEmailForm.js"
"id": "EnterEmailForm.alreadyHaveAnAccount",
"defaultMessage": "Already have an account?",
"filepath": "./src/accounts/components/EnterEmailForm/EnterEmailForm.js"

This is the output fr.json format I need, (just the values of the id and defaultMessage):

"EnterEmailForm.pleaseRegisterHere": "Email n'a pas été trouvé, veuillez vous inscrire ici",
"EnterEmailForm.alreadyHaveAnAccount": "Vous avez déjà un compte?",

This is the output fr.json that the script gives me:

"0": {
"id": "EnterEmailForm.pleaseRegisterHere",
"defaultMessage": "Email n'a pas été trouvé, veuillez vous inscrire ici",
"filepath": "./src/accounts/components/EnterEmailForm/EnterEmailForm.js"
"1": {
"id": "EnterEmailForm.alreadyHaveAnAccount",
"defaultMessage": "Vous avez déjà un compte?",
"filepath": "./src/accounts/components/EnterEmailForm/EnterEmailForm.js"

This is the script that translates the en.json file to a fr.json file:

#!/usr/bin/env node

const fs = require('fs');
const moment = require('moment');
const _ = require('lodash');
const path = require('path');
const agent = require('superagent-promise')(require('superagent'), Promise);

//Lang Codes

if (process.argv.length >= 5) {

const apiKey = process.argv[2];
const inputFile = process.argv[3];
const destinationCodes = process.argv[4].split(',');

const apiUrl = _.template('<%= apiKey %>&q=<%= value %>&source=en&target=<%= languageKey %>');

function transformResponse(res) {
return _.get(JSON.parse(res.text), [ 'data', 'translations', 0, 'translatedText' ]);

function iterLeaves(value, keyChain, accumulator, languageKey) {
accumulator = accumulator || {};
keyChain = keyChain || ;
if (_.isObject(value)) {
return _.chain(value).reduce((handlers, v, k) => {
return handlers.concat(iterLeaves(v, keyChain.concat(k), accumulator, languageKey));
}, ).flattenDeep().value();
} else {
return function () {
console.log(_.template('Translating <%= value %> to <%= languageKey %>')({value, languageKey}));

//Translates individual string to language code
return agent('GET', apiUrl({
value: encodeURI(value),
})).then(transformResponse).then((text) => {
//Sets the value in the accumulator
_.set(accumulator, keyChain, text, );

//This needs to be returned to it's eventually written to json
return accumulator;

Promise.all(_.reduce(destinationCodes, (sum, languageKey) => {
const fileName = _.template('/tmp/<%= languageKey %>.json')({

//Starts with the top level strings
return sum.concat(_.reduce(iterLeaves(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(inputFile), 'utf-8')), undefined, undefined, languageKey), (promiseChain, fn) => {
return promiseChain.then(fn);
}, Promise.resolve()).then((payload) => {
fs.writeFileSync(fileName, JSON.stringify(payload, null, 2));
}).then(_.partial(console.log, 'Successfully translated all nodes, file output at ' + fileName)));
}, )).then(() => {

} else {
console.error('You must provide an input json file and a comma-separated list of destination language codes.');

How do I edit the script to correctly format the outputted file fr.json to the one I need?

share|improve this question

    up vote
    down vote


    I am using nodejs script to translate a json file from English to French. The translations are being outputted into a fr.json file but not in the format I need.

    This is the input en.json file that I want to translate:

    "id": "EnterEmailForm.pleaseRegisterHere",
    "defaultMessage": "Email was not found, please register here",
    "filepath": "./src/accounts/components/EnterEmailForm/EnterEmailForm.js"
    "id": "EnterEmailForm.alreadyHaveAnAccount",
    "defaultMessage": "Already have an account?",
    "filepath": "./src/accounts/components/EnterEmailForm/EnterEmailForm.js"

    This is the output fr.json format I need, (just the values of the id and defaultMessage):

    "EnterEmailForm.pleaseRegisterHere": "Email n'a pas été trouvé, veuillez vous inscrire ici",
    "EnterEmailForm.alreadyHaveAnAccount": "Vous avez déjà un compte?",

    This is the output fr.json that the script gives me:

    "0": {
    "id": "EnterEmailForm.pleaseRegisterHere",
    "defaultMessage": "Email n'a pas été trouvé, veuillez vous inscrire ici",
    "filepath": "./src/accounts/components/EnterEmailForm/EnterEmailForm.js"
    "1": {
    "id": "EnterEmailForm.alreadyHaveAnAccount",
    "defaultMessage": "Vous avez déjà un compte?",
    "filepath": "./src/accounts/components/EnterEmailForm/EnterEmailForm.js"

    This is the script that translates the en.json file to a fr.json file:

    #!/usr/bin/env node

    const fs = require('fs');
    const moment = require('moment');
    const _ = require('lodash');
    const path = require('path');
    const agent = require('superagent-promise')(require('superagent'), Promise);

    //Lang Codes

    if (process.argv.length >= 5) {

    const apiKey = process.argv[2];
    const inputFile = process.argv[3];
    const destinationCodes = process.argv[4].split(',');

    const apiUrl = _.template('<%= apiKey %>&q=<%= value %>&source=en&target=<%= languageKey %>');

    function transformResponse(res) {
    return _.get(JSON.parse(res.text), [ 'data', 'translations', 0, 'translatedText' ]);

    function iterLeaves(value, keyChain, accumulator, languageKey) {
    accumulator = accumulator || {};
    keyChain = keyChain || ;
    if (_.isObject(value)) {
    return _.chain(value).reduce((handlers, v, k) => {
    return handlers.concat(iterLeaves(v, keyChain.concat(k), accumulator, languageKey));
    }, ).flattenDeep().value();
    } else {
    return function () {
    console.log(_.template('Translating <%= value %> to <%= languageKey %>')({value, languageKey}));

    //Translates individual string to language code
    return agent('GET', apiUrl({
    value: encodeURI(value),
    })).then(transformResponse).then((text) => {
    //Sets the value in the accumulator
    _.set(accumulator, keyChain, text, );

    //This needs to be returned to it's eventually written to json
    return accumulator;

    Promise.all(_.reduce(destinationCodes, (sum, languageKey) => {
    const fileName = _.template('/tmp/<%= languageKey %>.json')({

    //Starts with the top level strings
    return sum.concat(_.reduce(iterLeaves(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(inputFile), 'utf-8')), undefined, undefined, languageKey), (promiseChain, fn) => {
    return promiseChain.then(fn);
    }, Promise.resolve()).then((payload) => {
    fs.writeFileSync(fileName, JSON.stringify(payload, null, 2));
    }).then(_.partial(console.log, 'Successfully translated all nodes, file output at ' + fileName)));
    }, )).then(() => {

    } else {
    console.error('You must provide an input json file and a comma-separated list of destination language codes.');

    How do I edit the script to correctly format the outputted file fr.json to the one I need?

    share|improve this question

      up vote
      down vote


      up vote
      down vote


      I am using nodejs script to translate a json file from English to French. The translations are being outputted into a fr.json file but not in the format I need.

      This is the input en.json file that I want to translate:

      "id": "EnterEmailForm.pleaseRegisterHere",
      "defaultMessage": "Email was not found, please register here",
      "filepath": "./src/accounts/components/EnterEmailForm/EnterEmailForm.js"
      "id": "EnterEmailForm.alreadyHaveAnAccount",
      "defaultMessage": "Already have an account?",
      "filepath": "./src/accounts/components/EnterEmailForm/EnterEmailForm.js"

      This is the output fr.json format I need, (just the values of the id and defaultMessage):

      "EnterEmailForm.pleaseRegisterHere": "Email n'a pas été trouvé, veuillez vous inscrire ici",
      "EnterEmailForm.alreadyHaveAnAccount": "Vous avez déjà un compte?",

      This is the output fr.json that the script gives me:

      "0": {
      "id": "EnterEmailForm.pleaseRegisterHere",
      "defaultMessage": "Email n'a pas été trouvé, veuillez vous inscrire ici",
      "filepath": "./src/accounts/components/EnterEmailForm/EnterEmailForm.js"
      "1": {
      "id": "EnterEmailForm.alreadyHaveAnAccount",
      "defaultMessage": "Vous avez déjà un compte?",
      "filepath": "./src/accounts/components/EnterEmailForm/EnterEmailForm.js"

      This is the script that translates the en.json file to a fr.json file:

      #!/usr/bin/env node

      const fs = require('fs');
      const moment = require('moment');
      const _ = require('lodash');
      const path = require('path');
      const agent = require('superagent-promise')(require('superagent'), Promise);

      //Lang Codes

      if (process.argv.length >= 5) {

      const apiKey = process.argv[2];
      const inputFile = process.argv[3];
      const destinationCodes = process.argv[4].split(',');

      const apiUrl = _.template('<%= apiKey %>&q=<%= value %>&source=en&target=<%= languageKey %>');

      function transformResponse(res) {
      return _.get(JSON.parse(res.text), [ 'data', 'translations', 0, 'translatedText' ]);

      function iterLeaves(value, keyChain, accumulator, languageKey) {
      accumulator = accumulator || {};
      keyChain = keyChain || ;
      if (_.isObject(value)) {
      return _.chain(value).reduce((handlers, v, k) => {
      return handlers.concat(iterLeaves(v, keyChain.concat(k), accumulator, languageKey));
      }, ).flattenDeep().value();
      } else {
      return function () {
      console.log(_.template('Translating <%= value %> to <%= languageKey %>')({value, languageKey}));

      //Translates individual string to language code
      return agent('GET', apiUrl({
      value: encodeURI(value),
      })).then(transformResponse).then((text) => {
      //Sets the value in the accumulator
      _.set(accumulator, keyChain, text, );

      //This needs to be returned to it's eventually written to json
      return accumulator;

      Promise.all(_.reduce(destinationCodes, (sum, languageKey) => {
      const fileName = _.template('/tmp/<%= languageKey %>.json')({

      //Starts with the top level strings
      return sum.concat(_.reduce(iterLeaves(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(inputFile), 'utf-8')), undefined, undefined, languageKey), (promiseChain, fn) => {
      return promiseChain.then(fn);
      }, Promise.resolve()).then((payload) => {
      fs.writeFileSync(fileName, JSON.stringify(payload, null, 2));
      }).then(_.partial(console.log, 'Successfully translated all nodes, file output at ' + fileName)));
      }, )).then(() => {

      } else {
      console.error('You must provide an input json file and a comma-separated list of destination language codes.');

      How do I edit the script to correctly format the outputted file fr.json to the one I need?

      share|improve this question

      I am using nodejs script to translate a json file from English to French. The translations are being outputted into a fr.json file but not in the format I need.

      This is the input en.json file that I want to translate:

      "id": "EnterEmailForm.pleaseRegisterHere",
      "defaultMessage": "Email was not found, please register here",
      "filepath": "./src/accounts/components/EnterEmailForm/EnterEmailForm.js"
      "id": "EnterEmailForm.alreadyHaveAnAccount",
      "defaultMessage": "Already have an account?",
      "filepath": "./src/accounts/components/EnterEmailForm/EnterEmailForm.js"

      This is the output fr.json format I need, (just the values of the id and defaultMessage):

      "EnterEmailForm.pleaseRegisterHere": "Email n'a pas été trouvé, veuillez vous inscrire ici",
      "EnterEmailForm.alreadyHaveAnAccount": "Vous avez déjà un compte?",

      This is the output fr.json that the script gives me:

      "0": {
      "id": "EnterEmailForm.pleaseRegisterHere",
      "defaultMessage": "Email n'a pas été trouvé, veuillez vous inscrire ici",
      "filepath": "./src/accounts/components/EnterEmailForm/EnterEmailForm.js"
      "1": {
      "id": "EnterEmailForm.alreadyHaveAnAccount",
      "defaultMessage": "Vous avez déjà un compte?",
      "filepath": "./src/accounts/components/EnterEmailForm/EnterEmailForm.js"

      This is the script that translates the en.json file to a fr.json file:

      #!/usr/bin/env node

      const fs = require('fs');
      const moment = require('moment');
      const _ = require('lodash');
      const path = require('path');
      const agent = require('superagent-promise')(require('superagent'), Promise);

      //Lang Codes

      if (process.argv.length >= 5) {

      const apiKey = process.argv[2];
      const inputFile = process.argv[3];
      const destinationCodes = process.argv[4].split(',');

      const apiUrl = _.template('<%= apiKey %>&q=<%= value %>&source=en&target=<%= languageKey %>');

      function transformResponse(res) {
      return _.get(JSON.parse(res.text), [ 'data', 'translations', 0, 'translatedText' ]);

      function iterLeaves(value, keyChain, accumulator, languageKey) {
      accumulator = accumulator || {};
      keyChain = keyChain || ;
      if (_.isObject(value)) {
      return _.chain(value).reduce((handlers, v, k) => {
      return handlers.concat(iterLeaves(v, keyChain.concat(k), accumulator, languageKey));
      }, ).flattenDeep().value();
      } else {
      return function () {
      console.log(_.template('Translating <%= value %> to <%= languageKey %>')({value, languageKey}));

      //Translates individual string to language code
      return agent('GET', apiUrl({
      value: encodeURI(value),
      })).then(transformResponse).then((text) => {
      //Sets the value in the accumulator
      _.set(accumulator, keyChain, text, );

      //This needs to be returned to it's eventually written to json
      return accumulator;

      Promise.all(_.reduce(destinationCodes, (sum, languageKey) => {
      const fileName = _.template('/tmp/<%= languageKey %>.json')({

      //Starts with the top level strings
      return sum.concat(_.reduce(iterLeaves(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(inputFile), 'utf-8')), undefined, undefined, languageKey), (promiseChain, fn) => {
      return promiseChain.then(fn);
      }, Promise.resolve()).then((payload) => {
      fs.writeFileSync(fileName, JSON.stringify(payload, null, 2));
      }).then(_.partial(console.log, 'Successfully translated all nodes, file output at ' + fileName)));
      }, )).then(() => {

      } else {
      console.error('You must provide an input json file and a comma-separated list of destination language codes.');

      How do I edit the script to correctly format the outputted file fr.json to the one I need?

      #!/usr/bin/env node

      const fs = require('fs');
      const moment = require('moment');
      const _ = require('lodash');
      const path = require('path');
      const agent = require('superagent-promise')(require('superagent'), Promise);

      //Lang Codes

      if (process.argv.length >= 5) {

      const apiKey = process.argv[2];
      const inputFile = process.argv[3];
      const destinationCodes = process.argv[4].split(',');

      const apiUrl = _.template('<%= apiKey %>&q=<%= value %>&source=en&target=<%= languageKey %>');

      function transformResponse(res) {
      return _.get(JSON.parse(res.text), [ 'data', 'translations', 0, 'translatedText' ]);

      function iterLeaves(value, keyChain, accumulator, languageKey) {
      accumulator = accumulator || {};
      keyChain = keyChain || ;
      if (_.isObject(value)) {
      return _.chain(value).reduce((handlers, v, k) => {
      return handlers.concat(iterLeaves(v, keyChain.concat(k), accumulator, languageKey));
      }, ).flattenDeep().value();
      } else {
      return function () {
      console.log(_.template('Translating <%= value %> to <%= languageKey %>')({value, languageKey}));

      //Translates individual string to language code
      return agent('GET', apiUrl({
      value: encodeURI(value),
      })).then(transformResponse).then((text) => {
      //Sets the value in the accumulator
      _.set(accumulator, keyChain, text, );

      //This needs to be returned to it's eventually written to json
      return accumulator;

      Promise.all(_.reduce(destinationCodes, (sum, languageKey) => {
      const fileName = _.template('/tmp/<%= languageKey %>.json')({

      //Starts with the top level strings
      return sum.concat(_.reduce(iterLeaves(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(inputFile), 'utf-8')), undefined, undefined, languageKey), (promiseChain, fn) => {
      return promiseChain.then(fn);
      }, Promise.resolve()).then((payload) => {
      fs.writeFileSync(fileName, JSON.stringify(payload, null, 2));
      }).then(_.partial(console.log, 'Successfully translated all nodes, file output at ' + fileName)));
      }, )).then(() => {

      } else {
      console.error('You must provide an input json file and a comma-separated list of destination language codes.');

      #!/usr/bin/env node

      const fs = require('fs');
      const moment = require('moment');
      const _ = require('lodash');
      const path = require('path');
      const agent = require('superagent-promise')(require('superagent'), Promise);

      //Lang Codes

      if (process.argv.length >= 5) {

      const apiKey = process.argv[2];
      const inputFile = process.argv[3];
      const destinationCodes = process.argv[4].split(',');

      const apiUrl = _.template('<%= apiKey %>&q=<%= value %>&source=en&target=<%= languageKey %>');

      function transformResponse(res) {
      return _.get(JSON.parse(res.text), [ 'data', 'translations', 0, 'translatedText' ]);

      function iterLeaves(value, keyChain, accumulator, languageKey) {
      accumulator = accumulator || {};
      keyChain = keyChain || ;
      if (_.isObject(value)) {
      return _.chain(value).reduce((handlers, v, k) => {
      return handlers.concat(iterLeaves(v, keyChain.concat(k), accumulator, languageKey));
      }, ).flattenDeep().value();
      } else {
      return function () {
      console.log(_.template('Translating <%= value %> to <%= languageKey %>')({value, languageKey}));

      //Translates individual string to language code
      return agent('GET', apiUrl({
      value: encodeURI(value),
      })).then(transformResponse).then((text) => {
      //Sets the value in the accumulator
      _.set(accumulator, keyChain, text, );

      //This needs to be returned to it's eventually written to json
      return accumulator;

      Promise.all(_.reduce(destinationCodes, (sum, languageKey) => {
      const fileName = _.template('/tmp/<%= languageKey %>.json')({

      //Starts with the top level strings
      return sum.concat(_.reduce(iterLeaves(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(inputFile), 'utf-8')), undefined, undefined, languageKey), (promiseChain, fn) => {
      return promiseChain.then(fn);
      }, Promise.resolve()).then((payload) => {
      fs.writeFileSync(fileName, JSON.stringify(payload, null, 2));
      }).then(_.partial(console.log, 'Successfully translated all nodes, file output at ' + fileName)));
      }, )).then(() => {

      } else {
      console.error('You must provide an input json file and a comma-separated list of destination language codes.');

      javascript node.js

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Nov 12 at 2:52




      asked Nov 12 at 2:39

      Alan Judi



          1 Answer




          up vote
          down vote


          Once you have the object that's produced currently, you can transform it into your desired output by reduceing the object's values into another object, whose keys are the ids and whose values are the defaultMessages:

          const payload = {
          "0": {
          "id": "EnterEmailForm.pleaseRegisterHere",
          "defaultMessage": "Email n'a pas été trouvé, veuillez vous inscrire ici",
          "filepath": "./src/accounts/components/EnterEmailForm/EnterEmailForm.js"
          "1": {
          "id": "EnterEmailForm.alreadyHaveAnAccount",
          "defaultMessage": "Vous avez déjà un compte?",
          "filepath": "./src/accounts/components/EnterEmailForm/EnterEmailForm.js"
          const output = Object.values(payload).reduce((a, { id, defaultMessage }) => {
          a[id] = defaultMessage;
          return a;
          }, {});

          share|improve this answer

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            1 Answer




            1 Answer










            up vote
            down vote


            Once you have the object that's produced currently, you can transform it into your desired output by reduceing the object's values into another object, whose keys are the ids and whose values are the defaultMessages:

            const payload = {
            "0": {
            "id": "EnterEmailForm.pleaseRegisterHere",
            "defaultMessage": "Email n'a pas été trouvé, veuillez vous inscrire ici",
            "filepath": "./src/accounts/components/EnterEmailForm/EnterEmailForm.js"
            "1": {
            "id": "EnterEmailForm.alreadyHaveAnAccount",
            "defaultMessage": "Vous avez déjà un compte?",
            "filepath": "./src/accounts/components/EnterEmailForm/EnterEmailForm.js"
            const output = Object.values(payload).reduce((a, { id, defaultMessage }) => {
            a[id] = defaultMessage;
            return a;
            }, {});

            share|improve this answer

              up vote
              down vote


              Once you have the object that's produced currently, you can transform it into your desired output by reduceing the object's values into another object, whose keys are the ids and whose values are the defaultMessages:

              const payload = {
              "0": {
              "id": "EnterEmailForm.pleaseRegisterHere",
              "defaultMessage": "Email n'a pas été trouvé, veuillez vous inscrire ici",
              "filepath": "./src/accounts/components/EnterEmailForm/EnterEmailForm.js"
              "1": {
              "id": "EnterEmailForm.alreadyHaveAnAccount",
              "defaultMessage": "Vous avez déjà un compte?",
              "filepath": "./src/accounts/components/EnterEmailForm/EnterEmailForm.js"
              const output = Object.values(payload).reduce((a, { id, defaultMessage }) => {
              a[id] = defaultMessage;
              return a;
              }, {});

              share|improve this answer

                up vote
                down vote


                up vote
                down vote


                Once you have the object that's produced currently, you can transform it into your desired output by reduceing the object's values into another object, whose keys are the ids and whose values are the defaultMessages:

                const payload = {
                "0": {
                "id": "EnterEmailForm.pleaseRegisterHere",
                "defaultMessage": "Email n'a pas été trouvé, veuillez vous inscrire ici",
                "filepath": "./src/accounts/components/EnterEmailForm/EnterEmailForm.js"
                "1": {
                "id": "EnterEmailForm.alreadyHaveAnAccount",
                "defaultMessage": "Vous avez déjà un compte?",
                "filepath": "./src/accounts/components/EnterEmailForm/EnterEmailForm.js"
                const output = Object.values(payload).reduce((a, { id, defaultMessage }) => {
                a[id] = defaultMessage;
                return a;
                }, {});

                share|improve this answer

                Once you have the object that's produced currently, you can transform it into your desired output by reduceing the object's values into another object, whose keys are the ids and whose values are the defaultMessages:

                const payload = {
                "0": {
                "id": "EnterEmailForm.pleaseRegisterHere",
                "defaultMessage": "Email n'a pas été trouvé, veuillez vous inscrire ici",
                "filepath": "./src/accounts/components/EnterEmailForm/EnterEmailForm.js"
                "1": {
                "id": "EnterEmailForm.alreadyHaveAnAccount",
                "defaultMessage": "Vous avez déjà un compte?",
                "filepath": "./src/accounts/components/EnterEmailForm/EnterEmailForm.js"
                const output = Object.values(payload).reduce((a, { id, defaultMessage }) => {
                a[id] = defaultMessage;
                return a;
                }, {});

                const payload = {
                "0": {
                "id": "EnterEmailForm.pleaseRegisterHere",
                "defaultMessage": "Email n'a pas été trouvé, veuillez vous inscrire ici",
                "filepath": "./src/accounts/components/EnterEmailForm/EnterEmailForm.js"
                "1": {
                "id": "EnterEmailForm.alreadyHaveAnAccount",
                "defaultMessage": "Vous avez déjà un compte?",
                "filepath": "./src/accounts/components/EnterEmailForm/EnterEmailForm.js"
                const output = Object.values(payload).reduce((a, { id, defaultMessage }) => {
                a[id] = defaultMessage;
                return a;
                }, {});

                const payload = {
                "0": {
                "id": "EnterEmailForm.pleaseRegisterHere",
                "defaultMessage": "Email n'a pas été trouvé, veuillez vous inscrire ici",
                "filepath": "./src/accounts/components/EnterEmailForm/EnterEmailForm.js"
                "1": {
                "id": "EnterEmailForm.alreadyHaveAnAccount",
                "defaultMessage": "Vous avez déjà un compte?",
                "filepath": "./src/accounts/components/EnterEmailForm/EnterEmailForm.js"
                const output = Object.values(payload).reduce((a, { id, defaultMessage }) => {
                a[id] = defaultMessage;
                return a;
                }, {});

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

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                answered Nov 12 at 2:45




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