Runtime optimization of Agent-based model written with R

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In order to simulate the admixture of indigenous Papuan people with migrants from Asia during the settlement of Oceania, I've written an agent-based model with R (see code below). The model has 6 input parameters. The "true" input parameters should be estimated by comparing the model output for given parameter sets with observed admixture rates across the Pacific islands.

Unfortunately, (as an autodidact) I've never learned to write time-efficient code with R. Thus, I have no idea how I can reduce the time needed for one full run (1 parameter set, 4500 simulated years). Therefore, I hope that some of you could help me with this task (I would even pay for it). The final goal is to optimize the code such that one full run takes less than 2 minutes (then I can parallelize the first loop).

Here is the code ...

#increase memory limits

#set working directory

#loading required packages

#loading data sets
migration <- list.load("migration.rdata")
admixture <- read.csv("admixture estimates.csv", header=T)
history <- read.csv("history.csv", header=T)

#initial individual number
ind.number <- 21000

#birth & death rates
BD <- data.frame(age=0:55,
death_rate=c(0.02, 0.035, 0.0476, 0.07, 0.09, 0.1, 0.1032, 0.1032, 0.093, 0.072, 0.05, 0.047, 0.046, 0.0443, 0.048, 0.055, 0.062, 0.064, 0.0648, 0.073, 0.08, 0.09, 0.093, 0.098, 0.123, 0.145, 0.167, 0.18, 0.1965, 0.198, 0.1995, 0.201, 0.202, 0.2036, 0.23, 0.25, 0.268, 0.27, 0.2757, 0.278, 0.28, 0.283, 0.285, 0.286, 0.29, 0.31, 0.37, 0.42, 0.5, 0.62, 0.73, 0.84, 0.89, 0.94, 0.97, 1),
birth.rate=c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.001, 0.003, 0.01, 0.04, 0.09, 0.13, 0.17, 0.24, 0.27, 0.29, 0.31, 0.31, 0.295, 0.28, 0.265, 0.245, 0.225, 0.205, 0.19, 0.17, 0.15, 0.13, 0.11, 0.09, 0.075, 0.06, 0.045, 0.03, 0.01, 0.007, 0.0055, 0.0035, 0.0025, 0.0024, 0.0022, 0.0015, 0.001, 0.0005, 0.0001, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
BD$survival <- with(BD, { s <- cumsum(death_rate); s <- max(s)-s; s <- s/sum(s); c(s[1:55], NA)})
BD$death.rate <- c(0, -diff(BD$survival/BD$survival[1]))
BD$death.rate[nrow(BD)] <- 1

#Creating matrix for parameter combinations & simulation results
PopulParam <- list(
asian.fecundities = c(3, 4, 5, 6, 7),
papuan.fecundities = c(3, 4, 5, 6, 7),
asian.migrations = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8),
papuan.migrations = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8),
marriage.weights = c(0.00, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25),
migration.distances = seq(0.1,1,by=0.1)#c(0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0)
runsummary <- expand.grid(PopulParam)
runsummary <- runsummary[rep(1:nrow(runsummary), 100),]
runsummary <- data.frame(runID=1:nrow(runsummary), runsummary, Aauto=NA, Amt=NA, AY=NA)

for (i in 1:nrow(runsummary)) {

runlist <- data.frame(indID=1:26000000,
runlist$sex[1:ind.number] <- sample(c("m", "f"), ind.number, replace=T)
runlist$birth.year[1:ind.number] <- (-1) * sample(0:54, ind.number, prob=BD$survival[1:55], replace=T)
runlist$[1:ind.number] <- rep(which(history$initial.settlement==0), each=120)
runlist$residence <- runlist$
group <- history$[runlist$][1:ind.number]
runlist$Aauto[1:ind.number] <- ifelse(group == "Asian", 1, 0)
runlist$Amt[1:ind.number] <- ifelse(group == "Asian", 1, 0)
runlist$AY[1:ind.number] <- ifelse(group == "Asian", 1, 0)
runlist$Aoverall[1:ind.number] <- ifelse(group == "Asian", 1, 0)
females <- which(runlist$sex == "f")
asians <- which(runlist$Aoverall > 0.5)
papuans <- which(runlist$Aoverall < 0.5)
runlist$max.offspring[females[females %in% asians]] <- rpois(sum(females %in% asians), runsummary$asian.fecundities[i])
runlist$max.offspring[females[females %in% papuans]] <- rpois(sum(females %in% papuans), runsummary$papuan.fecundities[i])

autosomes <- matrix(nrow=ind.number, ncol=26)
colnames(autosomes) <- c("indID", "auto1", "auto2", "auto3", "auto4", "auto5", "auto6", "auto7", "auto8", "auto9", "auto10", "auto11", "auto12", "auto13", "auto14", "auto15", "auto16", "auto17", "auto18", "auto19", "auto20", "auto21", "auto22", "auto23", "auto24", "auto25")
autosomes[,1] <- 1:ind.number
group <- ifelse(group=="Asian", 1, 0)
autosomes[,2:26] <- rep(group, 25)

#run simulations (actions for one year)
for (t in 0:4500) {

carrying.capacity <- 120 * 1.0003^t

alive <- which($death.year) & !$birth.year)) #living individuals
for (j in 2:56) {
candidates <- alive[t-runlist$birth.year[alive] == j-1] #individuals with age = j-1
deaths <- candidates[which(sample(c(0, 1), length(candidates), prob=c(1 - BD$death.rate[j], BD$death.rate[j]), replace = T) == 1)] #choose candidates with BD$death.rate probability
runlist$death.year[deaths] <- t #set death.year
runlist$[deaths] <- runlist$residence[deaths] #set
partner <- runlist$partner[deaths] #identify partners
if (length(which(! > 0) {
runlist$partner[partner[which(!]] <- NA #divorce partners
autosomes <- autosomes[-deaths,] #delete autosomes of deaths to save memory

migratables <- which(t - runlist$birth.year > 11) #individuals with age > 11
migratables <- migratables[which($death.year[migratables]))] #alive individuals
migratables <- migratables[which($partner[migratables]))] #uncoupled
migratables <- migratables[which(runlist$residence[migratables] == runlist$[migratables])] #not yet migrated
migratables <- sample(migratables, length(migratables)) #randomize order

for (mig in migratables) {
if (runif(1) < ifelse(runlist$Aoverall[mig] > 0.5, runsummary$asian.migrations[i], runsummary$papuan.migrations[i])) { #will individual j migrate?
deme.candidates <- migration[[runlist$residence[mig]]][,1]
possible <- NULL
for (k in 1:length(deme.candidates)) {
if (!$initial.settlement[deme.candidates[k]]) || t >= history$Austronesian.settlement[deme.candidates[k]]) { #deme can be settled at time t
if (length(which(runlist$residence==deme.candidates[k] & !$birth.year) &$death.year))) < round(carrying.capacity)) { #deme 'deme.candidates[k]' below carrying capacity
if (runlist$Aoverall[mig] < 0.5) { #test if deme k is within reachable distance for Papuan individuals
if (migration[[runlist$residence[mig]]][k,4] < runsummary[i,7]) {
possible <- c(possible, deme.candidates[k])
else {
possible <- c(possible, deme.candidates[k])

#send individuals with probability 'prob' to the 'possible' deme candidates
dists <- migration[[runlist$residence[mig]]][which(migration[[runlist$residence[mig]]][,1] %in% possible),4]
prob <- dists/sum(dists)
if (length(possible) > 0) {
if (length(prob) == 1) {
new.deme <- possible
if (length(prob) > 1) {
new.deme <- sample(possible, 1, prob=prob)
runlist$residence[mig] <- new.deme
runlist$time.of.migration[mig] <- t

#coupling & offspring
fertiles <- which(runlist$sex == "f") #select females
fertiles <- fertiles[which(t - runlist$birth.year[fertiles] > 11)] #individuals with age > 11
fertiles <- fertiles[which($death.year[fertiles]))] #alive individuals
fertiles <- sample(fertiles, length(fertiles)) #randomize order

for (fer in fertiles) {
if ($partner[fer])) {

partner.candidates <- which(runlist$residence == runlist$residence[fer]) #individuals in same deme
partner.candidates <- partner.candidates[which(runlist$sex[partner.candidates] == "m")] #males in same deme
partner.candidates <- partner.candidates[which(t - runlist$birth.year[partner.candidates] > 11 &$death.year[partner.candidates]))] #alive males and age > 11 years
partner.candidates <- partner.candidates[which(abs(runlist$birth.year[fer] - runlist$birth.year[partner.candidates]) < 7)] #age difference < 7 years
partner.ancestry <- ifelse(runlist$Aoverall[partner.candidates] > 0.5, 1, 0) #ancestry of candidates

#females marry more often (0.5 + runsummary$marriage.weights[i]) males from other ancestry
if (runlist$Aoverall[fer] > 0.5) { #for Asian women
if (sum(partner.ancestry) == 0 || sum(partner.ancestry) == length(partner.ancestry)) {
new.partner <- sample(partner.candidates, 1)
else {
which.partner <- sample(c(0,1), 1, prob=c(0.5 + runsummary$marriage.weights[i], 0.5 - runsummary$marriage.weights[i]))
if (sum(partner.ancestry == which.partner) == 1) {
new.partner <- partner.candidates[which(partner.ancestry == which.partner)]
else {
new.partner <- sample(partner.candidates[which(partner.ancestry == which.partner)], 1)
else { #for Papuan women
if (sum(partner.ancestry) == 0 || sum(partner.ancestry) == length(partner.ancestry)) {
new.partner <- sample(partner.candidates, 1)
else {
which.partner <- sample(c(0,1), 1, prob=c(0.5 - runsummary$marriage.weights[i], 0.5 + runsummary$marriage.weights[i]))
if (sum(partner.ancestry == which.partner) == 1) {
new.partner <- partner.candidates[which(partner.ancestry == which.partner)]
else {
new.partner <- sample(partner.candidates[which(partner.ancestry == which.partner)], 1)

runlist$partner[fer] <- new.partner
runlist$partner[new.partner] <- fer


else {

#generate offspring
if (runlist$offspring.number[fer] < runlist$max.offspring[fer]) { #number of children < max. offspring number for female 'fer'
if (length(which(runlist$residence == runlist$residence[fer])) < round(carrying.capacity)) { #deme size < carrying capacity
if (runif(1) < BD$birth.rate[(t - runlist$birth.year[fer]) + 1]) { #test for pregnancy (using birth rate given age of mother)
runlist$offspring.number[fer] <- runlist$offspring.number[fer] + 1 #add children to offspring.number of mother
runlist$offspring.number[runlist$partner[fer]] <- runlist$offspring.number[runlist$partner[fer]] + 1 #add children to offspring.number of father

#initialization of child
childID <- min(which($sex)))
runlist$sex[childID] <- ifelse(runif(1) < 0.5, "f", "m")
runlist$birth.year[childID] <- t
runlist$[childID] <- runlist$residence[fer]
runlist$residence[childID] <- runlist$residence[fer]
runlist$parent1[childID] <- fer
runlist$parent2[childID] <- runlist$partner[fer]

#set mtDNA ancestry from mother
runlist$Amt[childID] <- runlist$Amt[fer]

#set Y-DNA ancestry from father (if child is male)
if (runlist$sex[childID] == "m") {
runlist$AY[childID] <- runlist$AY[runlist$partner[fer]]

#random combination of autosomal markers from mother & father
autosomes.row <- nrow(autosomes) + 1 #identify the row number of children in autosomes
autosomes <- rbind(autosomes, NA) #expand autosomes by 1 row
autosomes[autosomes.row, 1] <- childID #set individual ID
child.autosome <- autosomes[which(autosomes[,1] == fer), 2:26] #set mother's autosomes for child
fathers.autosomes <- sort(sample(1:25, sample(12:13, 1))) #select 12 or 13 genes from father's autosomes
child.autosome[fathers.autosomes] <- autosomes[which(autosomes[,1] == runlist$partner[fer]), fathers.autosomes + 1] #replace mother's autosomal markers in childs autosomes
autosomes[autosomes.row, 2:26] <- child.autosome #add autosome of child to 'autosomes'

#calculate Aauto
runlist$Aauto[childID] <- mean(autosomes[autosomes.row, 2:26])

#calculate Aoverall
runlist$Aoverall[childID] <- mean(runlist[childID, 12:14])





#calculate average distance between simulated and observed ancestries
auto <- NULL
mt <- NULL
for (j in 1:length(migration)) { <- which(runlist$birth.year <= 4500 &$death.year) & runlist$residence == j)
auto[j] <- mean(runlist$Aauto[])
mt[j] <- mean(runlist$Amt[])
Y[j] <- mean(runlist$AY[])

runsummary$Aauto[i] <- mean(abs(auto - admixture$autosomal), na.rm = T)
runsummary$Amt[i] <- mean(abs(mt - admixture$mt.SNPs), na.rm = T)
runsummary$AY[i] <- mean(abs(Y - admixture$Y.SNPs), na.rm = T)

#save files
write.csv(runlist, paste("runlist", i, ".csv", sep=""), row.names=F)
write.csv(runsummary, "runsummary.csv", row.names=F)

#return number of parameter set simulated


... and here are the required files.

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    up vote
    down vote


    In order to simulate the admixture of indigenous Papuan people with migrants from Asia during the settlement of Oceania, I've written an agent-based model with R (see code below). The model has 6 input parameters. The "true" input parameters should be estimated by comparing the model output for given parameter sets with observed admixture rates across the Pacific islands.

    Unfortunately, (as an autodidact) I've never learned to write time-efficient code with R. Thus, I have no idea how I can reduce the time needed for one full run (1 parameter set, 4500 simulated years). Therefore, I hope that some of you could help me with this task (I would even pay for it). The final goal is to optimize the code such that one full run takes less than 2 minutes (then I can parallelize the first loop).

    Here is the code ...

    #increase memory limits

    #set working directory

    #loading required packages

    #loading data sets
    migration <- list.load("migration.rdata")
    admixture <- read.csv("admixture estimates.csv", header=T)
    history <- read.csv("history.csv", header=T)

    #initial individual number
    ind.number <- 21000

    #birth & death rates
    BD <- data.frame(age=0:55,
    death_rate=c(0.02, 0.035, 0.0476, 0.07, 0.09, 0.1, 0.1032, 0.1032, 0.093, 0.072, 0.05, 0.047, 0.046, 0.0443, 0.048, 0.055, 0.062, 0.064, 0.0648, 0.073, 0.08, 0.09, 0.093, 0.098, 0.123, 0.145, 0.167, 0.18, 0.1965, 0.198, 0.1995, 0.201, 0.202, 0.2036, 0.23, 0.25, 0.268, 0.27, 0.2757, 0.278, 0.28, 0.283, 0.285, 0.286, 0.29, 0.31, 0.37, 0.42, 0.5, 0.62, 0.73, 0.84, 0.89, 0.94, 0.97, 1),
    birth.rate=c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.001, 0.003, 0.01, 0.04, 0.09, 0.13, 0.17, 0.24, 0.27, 0.29, 0.31, 0.31, 0.295, 0.28, 0.265, 0.245, 0.225, 0.205, 0.19, 0.17, 0.15, 0.13, 0.11, 0.09, 0.075, 0.06, 0.045, 0.03, 0.01, 0.007, 0.0055, 0.0035, 0.0025, 0.0024, 0.0022, 0.0015, 0.001, 0.0005, 0.0001, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    BD$survival <- with(BD, { s <- cumsum(death_rate); s <- max(s)-s; s <- s/sum(s); c(s[1:55], NA)})
    BD$death.rate <- c(0, -diff(BD$survival/BD$survival[1]))
    BD$death.rate[nrow(BD)] <- 1

    #Creating matrix for parameter combinations & simulation results
    PopulParam <- list(
    asian.fecundities = c(3, 4, 5, 6, 7),
    papuan.fecundities = c(3, 4, 5, 6, 7),
    asian.migrations = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8),
    papuan.migrations = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8),
    marriage.weights = c(0.00, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25),
    migration.distances = seq(0.1,1,by=0.1)#c(0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0)
    runsummary <- expand.grid(PopulParam)
    runsummary <- runsummary[rep(1:nrow(runsummary), 100),]
    runsummary <- data.frame(runID=1:nrow(runsummary), runsummary, Aauto=NA, Amt=NA, AY=NA)

    for (i in 1:nrow(runsummary)) {

    runlist <- data.frame(indID=1:26000000,
    runlist$sex[1:ind.number] <- sample(c("m", "f"), ind.number, replace=T)
    runlist$birth.year[1:ind.number] <- (-1) * sample(0:54, ind.number, prob=BD$survival[1:55], replace=T)
    runlist$[1:ind.number] <- rep(which(history$initial.settlement==0), each=120)
    runlist$residence <- runlist$
    group <- history$[runlist$][1:ind.number]
    runlist$Aauto[1:ind.number] <- ifelse(group == "Asian", 1, 0)
    runlist$Amt[1:ind.number] <- ifelse(group == "Asian", 1, 0)
    runlist$AY[1:ind.number] <- ifelse(group == "Asian", 1, 0)
    runlist$Aoverall[1:ind.number] <- ifelse(group == "Asian", 1, 0)
    females <- which(runlist$sex == "f")
    asians <- which(runlist$Aoverall > 0.5)
    papuans <- which(runlist$Aoverall < 0.5)
    runlist$max.offspring[females[females %in% asians]] <- rpois(sum(females %in% asians), runsummary$asian.fecundities[i])
    runlist$max.offspring[females[females %in% papuans]] <- rpois(sum(females %in% papuans), runsummary$papuan.fecundities[i])

    autosomes <- matrix(nrow=ind.number, ncol=26)
    colnames(autosomes) <- c("indID", "auto1", "auto2", "auto3", "auto4", "auto5", "auto6", "auto7", "auto8", "auto9", "auto10", "auto11", "auto12", "auto13", "auto14", "auto15", "auto16", "auto17", "auto18", "auto19", "auto20", "auto21", "auto22", "auto23", "auto24", "auto25")
    autosomes[,1] <- 1:ind.number
    group <- ifelse(group=="Asian", 1, 0)
    autosomes[,2:26] <- rep(group, 25)

    #run simulations (actions for one year)
    for (t in 0:4500) {

    carrying.capacity <- 120 * 1.0003^t

    alive <- which($death.year) & !$birth.year)) #living individuals
    for (j in 2:56) {
    candidates <- alive[t-runlist$birth.year[alive] == j-1] #individuals with age = j-1
    deaths <- candidates[which(sample(c(0, 1), length(candidates), prob=c(1 - BD$death.rate[j], BD$death.rate[j]), replace = T) == 1)] #choose candidates with BD$death.rate probability
    runlist$death.year[deaths] <- t #set death.year
    runlist$[deaths] <- runlist$residence[deaths] #set
    partner <- runlist$partner[deaths] #identify partners
    if (length(which(! > 0) {
    runlist$partner[partner[which(!]] <- NA #divorce partners
    autosomes <- autosomes[-deaths,] #delete autosomes of deaths to save memory

    migratables <- which(t - runlist$birth.year > 11) #individuals with age > 11
    migratables <- migratables[which($death.year[migratables]))] #alive individuals
    migratables <- migratables[which($partner[migratables]))] #uncoupled
    migratables <- migratables[which(runlist$residence[migratables] == runlist$[migratables])] #not yet migrated
    migratables <- sample(migratables, length(migratables)) #randomize order

    for (mig in migratables) {
    if (runif(1) < ifelse(runlist$Aoverall[mig] > 0.5, runsummary$asian.migrations[i], runsummary$papuan.migrations[i])) { #will individual j migrate?
    deme.candidates <- migration[[runlist$residence[mig]]][,1]
    possible <- NULL
    for (k in 1:length(deme.candidates)) {
    if (!$initial.settlement[deme.candidates[k]]) || t >= history$Austronesian.settlement[deme.candidates[k]]) { #deme can be settled at time t
    if (length(which(runlist$residence==deme.candidates[k] & !$birth.year) &$death.year))) < round(carrying.capacity)) { #deme 'deme.candidates[k]' below carrying capacity
    if (runlist$Aoverall[mig] < 0.5) { #test if deme k is within reachable distance for Papuan individuals
    if (migration[[runlist$residence[mig]]][k,4] < runsummary[i,7]) {
    possible <- c(possible, deme.candidates[k])
    else {
    possible <- c(possible, deme.candidates[k])

    #send individuals with probability 'prob' to the 'possible' deme candidates
    dists <- migration[[runlist$residence[mig]]][which(migration[[runlist$residence[mig]]][,1] %in% possible),4]
    prob <- dists/sum(dists)
    if (length(possible) > 0) {
    if (length(prob) == 1) {
    new.deme <- possible
    if (length(prob) > 1) {
    new.deme <- sample(possible, 1, prob=prob)
    runlist$residence[mig] <- new.deme
    runlist$time.of.migration[mig] <- t

    #coupling & offspring
    fertiles <- which(runlist$sex == "f") #select females
    fertiles <- fertiles[which(t - runlist$birth.year[fertiles] > 11)] #individuals with age > 11
    fertiles <- fertiles[which($death.year[fertiles]))] #alive individuals
    fertiles <- sample(fertiles, length(fertiles)) #randomize order

    for (fer in fertiles) {
    if ($partner[fer])) {

    partner.candidates <- which(runlist$residence == runlist$residence[fer]) #individuals in same deme
    partner.candidates <- partner.candidates[which(runlist$sex[partner.candidates] == "m")] #males in same deme
    partner.candidates <- partner.candidates[which(t - runlist$birth.year[partner.candidates] > 11 &$death.year[partner.candidates]))] #alive males and age > 11 years
    partner.candidates <- partner.candidates[which(abs(runlist$birth.year[fer] - runlist$birth.year[partner.candidates]) < 7)] #age difference < 7 years
    partner.ancestry <- ifelse(runlist$Aoverall[partner.candidates] > 0.5, 1, 0) #ancestry of candidates

    #females marry more often (0.5 + runsummary$marriage.weights[i]) males from other ancestry
    if (runlist$Aoverall[fer] > 0.5) { #for Asian women
    if (sum(partner.ancestry) == 0 || sum(partner.ancestry) == length(partner.ancestry)) {
    new.partner <- sample(partner.candidates, 1)
    else {
    which.partner <- sample(c(0,1), 1, prob=c(0.5 + runsummary$marriage.weights[i], 0.5 - runsummary$marriage.weights[i]))
    if (sum(partner.ancestry == which.partner) == 1) {
    new.partner <- partner.candidates[which(partner.ancestry == which.partner)]
    else {
    new.partner <- sample(partner.candidates[which(partner.ancestry == which.partner)], 1)
    else { #for Papuan women
    if (sum(partner.ancestry) == 0 || sum(partner.ancestry) == length(partner.ancestry)) {
    new.partner <- sample(partner.candidates, 1)
    else {
    which.partner <- sample(c(0,1), 1, prob=c(0.5 - runsummary$marriage.weights[i], 0.5 + runsummary$marriage.weights[i]))
    if (sum(partner.ancestry == which.partner) == 1) {
    new.partner <- partner.candidates[which(partner.ancestry == which.partner)]
    else {
    new.partner <- sample(partner.candidates[which(partner.ancestry == which.partner)], 1)

    runlist$partner[fer] <- new.partner
    runlist$partner[new.partner] <- fer


    else {

    #generate offspring
    if (runlist$offspring.number[fer] < runlist$max.offspring[fer]) { #number of children < max. offspring number for female 'fer'
    if (length(which(runlist$residence == runlist$residence[fer])) < round(carrying.capacity)) { #deme size < carrying capacity
    if (runif(1) < BD$birth.rate[(t - runlist$birth.year[fer]) + 1]) { #test for pregnancy (using birth rate given age of mother)
    runlist$offspring.number[fer] <- runlist$offspring.number[fer] + 1 #add children to offspring.number of mother
    runlist$offspring.number[runlist$partner[fer]] <- runlist$offspring.number[runlist$partner[fer]] + 1 #add children to offspring.number of father

    #initialization of child
    childID <- min(which($sex)))
    runlist$sex[childID] <- ifelse(runif(1) < 0.5, "f", "m")
    runlist$birth.year[childID] <- t
    runlist$[childID] <- runlist$residence[fer]
    runlist$residence[childID] <- runlist$residence[fer]
    runlist$parent1[childID] <- fer
    runlist$parent2[childID] <- runlist$partner[fer]

    #set mtDNA ancestry from mother
    runlist$Amt[childID] <- runlist$Amt[fer]

    #set Y-DNA ancestry from father (if child is male)
    if (runlist$sex[childID] == "m") {
    runlist$AY[childID] <- runlist$AY[runlist$partner[fer]]

    #random combination of autosomal markers from mother & father
    autosomes.row <- nrow(autosomes) + 1 #identify the row number of children in autosomes
    autosomes <- rbind(autosomes, NA) #expand autosomes by 1 row
    autosomes[autosomes.row, 1] <- childID #set individual ID
    child.autosome <- autosomes[which(autosomes[,1] == fer), 2:26] #set mother's autosomes for child
    fathers.autosomes <- sort(sample(1:25, sample(12:13, 1))) #select 12 or 13 genes from father's autosomes
    child.autosome[fathers.autosomes] <- autosomes[which(autosomes[,1] == runlist$partner[fer]), fathers.autosomes + 1] #replace mother's autosomal markers in childs autosomes
    autosomes[autosomes.row, 2:26] <- child.autosome #add autosome of child to 'autosomes'

    #calculate Aauto
    runlist$Aauto[childID] <- mean(autosomes[autosomes.row, 2:26])

    #calculate Aoverall
    runlist$Aoverall[childID] <- mean(runlist[childID, 12:14])





    #calculate average distance between simulated and observed ancestries
    auto <- NULL
    mt <- NULL
    Y <- NULL
    for (j in 1:length(migration)) { <- which(runlist$birth.year <= 4500 &$death.year) & runlist$residence == j)
    auto[j] <- mean(runlist$Aauto[])
    mt[j] <- mean(runlist$Amt[])
    Y[j] <- mean(runlist$AY[])

    runsummary$Aauto[i] <- mean(abs(auto - admixture$autosomal), na.rm = T)
    runsummary$Amt[i] <- mean(abs(mt - admixture$mt.SNPs), na.rm = T)
    runsummary$AY[i] <- mean(abs(Y - admixture$Y.SNPs), na.rm = T)

    #save files
    write.csv(runlist, paste("runlist", i, ".csv", sep=""), row.names=F)
    write.csv(runsummary, "runsummary.csv", row.names=F)

    #return number of parameter set simulated


    ... and here are the required files.

    share|improve this question

      up vote
      down vote


      up vote
      down vote


      In order to simulate the admixture of indigenous Papuan people with migrants from Asia during the settlement of Oceania, I've written an agent-based model with R (see code below). The model has 6 input parameters. The "true" input parameters should be estimated by comparing the model output for given parameter sets with observed admixture rates across the Pacific islands.

      Unfortunately, (as an autodidact) I've never learned to write time-efficient code with R. Thus, I have no idea how I can reduce the time needed for one full run (1 parameter set, 4500 simulated years). Therefore, I hope that some of you could help me with this task (I would even pay for it). The final goal is to optimize the code such that one full run takes less than 2 minutes (then I can parallelize the first loop).

      Here is the code ...

      #increase memory limits

      #set working directory

      #loading required packages

      #loading data sets
      migration <- list.load("migration.rdata")
      admixture <- read.csv("admixture estimates.csv", header=T)
      history <- read.csv("history.csv", header=T)

      #initial individual number
      ind.number <- 21000

      #birth & death rates
      BD <- data.frame(age=0:55,
      death_rate=c(0.02, 0.035, 0.0476, 0.07, 0.09, 0.1, 0.1032, 0.1032, 0.093, 0.072, 0.05, 0.047, 0.046, 0.0443, 0.048, 0.055, 0.062, 0.064, 0.0648, 0.073, 0.08, 0.09, 0.093, 0.098, 0.123, 0.145, 0.167, 0.18, 0.1965, 0.198, 0.1995, 0.201, 0.202, 0.2036, 0.23, 0.25, 0.268, 0.27, 0.2757, 0.278, 0.28, 0.283, 0.285, 0.286, 0.29, 0.31, 0.37, 0.42, 0.5, 0.62, 0.73, 0.84, 0.89, 0.94, 0.97, 1),
      birth.rate=c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.001, 0.003, 0.01, 0.04, 0.09, 0.13, 0.17, 0.24, 0.27, 0.29, 0.31, 0.31, 0.295, 0.28, 0.265, 0.245, 0.225, 0.205, 0.19, 0.17, 0.15, 0.13, 0.11, 0.09, 0.075, 0.06, 0.045, 0.03, 0.01, 0.007, 0.0055, 0.0035, 0.0025, 0.0024, 0.0022, 0.0015, 0.001, 0.0005, 0.0001, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
      BD$survival <- with(BD, { s <- cumsum(death_rate); s <- max(s)-s; s <- s/sum(s); c(s[1:55], NA)})
      BD$death.rate <- c(0, -diff(BD$survival/BD$survival[1]))
      BD$death.rate[nrow(BD)] <- 1

      #Creating matrix for parameter combinations & simulation results
      PopulParam <- list(
      asian.fecundities = c(3, 4, 5, 6, 7),
      papuan.fecundities = c(3, 4, 5, 6, 7),
      asian.migrations = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8),
      papuan.migrations = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8),
      marriage.weights = c(0.00, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25),
      migration.distances = seq(0.1,1,by=0.1)#c(0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0)
      runsummary <- expand.grid(PopulParam)
      runsummary <- runsummary[rep(1:nrow(runsummary), 100),]
      runsummary <- data.frame(runID=1:nrow(runsummary), runsummary, Aauto=NA, Amt=NA, AY=NA)

      for (i in 1:nrow(runsummary)) {

      runlist <- data.frame(indID=1:26000000,
      runlist$sex[1:ind.number] <- sample(c("m", "f"), ind.number, replace=T)
      runlist$birth.year[1:ind.number] <- (-1) * sample(0:54, ind.number, prob=BD$survival[1:55], replace=T)
      runlist$[1:ind.number] <- rep(which(history$initial.settlement==0), each=120)
      runlist$residence <- runlist$
      group <- history$[runlist$][1:ind.number]
      runlist$Aauto[1:ind.number] <- ifelse(group == "Asian", 1, 0)
      runlist$Amt[1:ind.number] <- ifelse(group == "Asian", 1, 0)
      runlist$AY[1:ind.number] <- ifelse(group == "Asian", 1, 0)
      runlist$Aoverall[1:ind.number] <- ifelse(group == "Asian", 1, 0)
      females <- which(runlist$sex == "f")
      asians <- which(runlist$Aoverall > 0.5)
      papuans <- which(runlist$Aoverall < 0.5)
      runlist$max.offspring[females[females %in% asians]] <- rpois(sum(females %in% asians), runsummary$asian.fecundities[i])
      runlist$max.offspring[females[females %in% papuans]] <- rpois(sum(females %in% papuans), runsummary$papuan.fecundities[i])

      autosomes <- matrix(nrow=ind.number, ncol=26)
      colnames(autosomes) <- c("indID", "auto1", "auto2", "auto3", "auto4", "auto5", "auto6", "auto7", "auto8", "auto9", "auto10", "auto11", "auto12", "auto13", "auto14", "auto15", "auto16", "auto17", "auto18", "auto19", "auto20", "auto21", "auto22", "auto23", "auto24", "auto25")
      autosomes[,1] <- 1:ind.number
      group <- ifelse(group=="Asian", 1, 0)
      autosomes[,2:26] <- rep(group, 25)

      #run simulations (actions for one year)
      for (t in 0:4500) {

      carrying.capacity <- 120 * 1.0003^t

      alive <- which($death.year) & !$birth.year)) #living individuals
      for (j in 2:56) {
      candidates <- alive[t-runlist$birth.year[alive] == j-1] #individuals with age = j-1
      deaths <- candidates[which(sample(c(0, 1), length(candidates), prob=c(1 - BD$death.rate[j], BD$death.rate[j]), replace = T) == 1)] #choose candidates with BD$death.rate probability
      runlist$death.year[deaths] <- t #set death.year
      runlist$[deaths] <- runlist$residence[deaths] #set
      partner <- runlist$partner[deaths] #identify partners
      if (length(which(! > 0) {
      runlist$partner[partner[which(!]] <- NA #divorce partners
      autosomes <- autosomes[-deaths,] #delete autosomes of deaths to save memory

      migratables <- which(t - runlist$birth.year > 11) #individuals with age > 11
      migratables <- migratables[which($death.year[migratables]))] #alive individuals
      migratables <- migratables[which($partner[migratables]))] #uncoupled
      migratables <- migratables[which(runlist$residence[migratables] == runlist$[migratables])] #not yet migrated
      migratables <- sample(migratables, length(migratables)) #randomize order

      for (mig in migratables) {
      if (runif(1) < ifelse(runlist$Aoverall[mig] > 0.5, runsummary$asian.migrations[i], runsummary$papuan.migrations[i])) { #will individual j migrate?
      deme.candidates <- migration[[runlist$residence[mig]]][,1]
      possible <- NULL
      for (k in 1:length(deme.candidates)) {
      if (!$initial.settlement[deme.candidates[k]]) || t >= history$Austronesian.settlement[deme.candidates[k]]) { #deme can be settled at time t
      if (length(which(runlist$residence==deme.candidates[k] & !$birth.year) &$death.year))) < round(carrying.capacity)) { #deme 'deme.candidates[k]' below carrying capacity
      if (runlist$Aoverall[mig] < 0.5) { #test if deme k is within reachable distance for Papuan individuals
      if (migration[[runlist$residence[mig]]][k,4] < runsummary[i,7]) {
      possible <- c(possible, deme.candidates[k])
      else {
      possible <- c(possible, deme.candidates[k])

      #send individuals with probability 'prob' to the 'possible' deme candidates
      dists <- migration[[runlist$residence[mig]]][which(migration[[runlist$residence[mig]]][,1] %in% possible),4]
      prob <- dists/sum(dists)
      if (length(possible) > 0) {
      if (length(prob) == 1) {
      new.deme <- possible
      if (length(prob) > 1) {
      new.deme <- sample(possible, 1, prob=prob)
      runlist$residence[mig] <- new.deme
      runlist$time.of.migration[mig] <- t

      #coupling & offspring
      fertiles <- which(runlist$sex == "f") #select females
      fertiles <- fertiles[which(t - runlist$birth.year[fertiles] > 11)] #individuals with age > 11
      fertiles <- fertiles[which($death.year[fertiles]))] #alive individuals
      fertiles <- sample(fertiles, length(fertiles)) #randomize order

      for (fer in fertiles) {
      if ($partner[fer])) {

      partner.candidates <- which(runlist$residence == runlist$residence[fer]) #individuals in same deme
      partner.candidates <- partner.candidates[which(runlist$sex[partner.candidates] == "m")] #males in same deme
      partner.candidates <- partner.candidates[which(t - runlist$birth.year[partner.candidates] > 11 &$death.year[partner.candidates]))] #alive males and age > 11 years
      partner.candidates <- partner.candidates[which(abs(runlist$birth.year[fer] - runlist$birth.year[partner.candidates]) < 7)] #age difference < 7 years
      partner.ancestry <- ifelse(runlist$Aoverall[partner.candidates] > 0.5, 1, 0) #ancestry of candidates

      #females marry more often (0.5 + runsummary$marriage.weights[i]) males from other ancestry
      if (runlist$Aoverall[fer] > 0.5) { #for Asian women
      if (sum(partner.ancestry) == 0 || sum(partner.ancestry) == length(partner.ancestry)) {
      new.partner <- sample(partner.candidates, 1)
      else {
      which.partner <- sample(c(0,1), 1, prob=c(0.5 + runsummary$marriage.weights[i], 0.5 - runsummary$marriage.weights[i]))
      if (sum(partner.ancestry == which.partner) == 1) {
      new.partner <- partner.candidates[which(partner.ancestry == which.partner)]
      else {
      new.partner <- sample(partner.candidates[which(partner.ancestry == which.partner)], 1)
      else { #for Papuan women
      if (sum(partner.ancestry) == 0 || sum(partner.ancestry) == length(partner.ancestry)) {
      new.partner <- sample(partner.candidates, 1)
      else {
      which.partner <- sample(c(0,1), 1, prob=c(0.5 - runsummary$marriage.weights[i], 0.5 + runsummary$marriage.weights[i]))
      if (sum(partner.ancestry == which.partner) == 1) {
      new.partner <- partner.candidates[which(partner.ancestry == which.partner)]
      else {
      new.partner <- sample(partner.candidates[which(partner.ancestry == which.partner)], 1)

      runlist$partner[fer] <- new.partner
      runlist$partner[new.partner] <- fer


      else {

      #generate offspring
      if (runlist$offspring.number[fer] < runlist$max.offspring[fer]) { #number of children < max. offspring number for female 'fer'
      if (length(which(runlist$residence == runlist$residence[fer])) < round(carrying.capacity)) { #deme size < carrying capacity
      if (runif(1) < BD$birth.rate[(t - runlist$birth.year[fer]) + 1]) { #test for pregnancy (using birth rate given age of mother)
      runlist$offspring.number[fer] <- runlist$offspring.number[fer] + 1 #add children to offspring.number of mother
      runlist$offspring.number[runlist$partner[fer]] <- runlist$offspring.number[runlist$partner[fer]] + 1 #add children to offspring.number of father

      #initialization of child
      childID <- min(which($sex)))
      runlist$sex[childID] <- ifelse(runif(1) < 0.5, "f", "m")
      runlist$birth.year[childID] <- t
      runlist$[childID] <- runlist$residence[fer]
      runlist$residence[childID] <- runlist$residence[fer]
      runlist$parent1[childID] <- fer
      runlist$parent2[childID] <- runlist$partner[fer]

      #set mtDNA ancestry from mother
      runlist$Amt[childID] <- runlist$Amt[fer]

      #set Y-DNA ancestry from father (if child is male)
      if (runlist$sex[childID] == "m") {
      runlist$AY[childID] <- runlist$AY[runlist$partner[fer]]

      #random combination of autosomal markers from mother & father
      autosomes.row <- nrow(autosomes) + 1 #identify the row number of children in autosomes
      autosomes <- rbind(autosomes, NA) #expand autosomes by 1 row
      autosomes[autosomes.row, 1] <- childID #set individual ID
      child.autosome <- autosomes[which(autosomes[,1] == fer), 2:26] #set mother's autosomes for child
      fathers.autosomes <- sort(sample(1:25, sample(12:13, 1))) #select 12 or 13 genes from father's autosomes
      child.autosome[fathers.autosomes] <- autosomes[which(autosomes[,1] == runlist$partner[fer]), fathers.autosomes + 1] #replace mother's autosomal markers in childs autosomes
      autosomes[autosomes.row, 2:26] <- child.autosome #add autosome of child to 'autosomes'

      #calculate Aauto
      runlist$Aauto[childID] <- mean(autosomes[autosomes.row, 2:26])

      #calculate Aoverall
      runlist$Aoverall[childID] <- mean(runlist[childID, 12:14])





      #calculate average distance between simulated and observed ancestries
      auto <- NULL
      mt <- NULL
      Y <- NULL
      for (j in 1:length(migration)) { <- which(runlist$birth.year <= 4500 &$death.year) & runlist$residence == j)
      auto[j] <- mean(runlist$Aauto[])
      mt[j] <- mean(runlist$Amt[])
      Y[j] <- mean(runlist$AY[])

      runsummary$Aauto[i] <- mean(abs(auto - admixture$autosomal), na.rm = T)
      runsummary$Amt[i] <- mean(abs(mt - admixture$mt.SNPs), na.rm = T)
      runsummary$AY[i] <- mean(abs(Y - admixture$Y.SNPs), na.rm = T)

      #save files
      write.csv(runlist, paste("runlist", i, ".csv", sep=""), row.names=F)
      write.csv(runsummary, "runsummary.csv", row.names=F)

      #return number of parameter set simulated


      ... and here are the required files.

      share|improve this question

      In order to simulate the admixture of indigenous Papuan people with migrants from Asia during the settlement of Oceania, I've written an agent-based model with R (see code below). The model has 6 input parameters. The "true" input parameters should be estimated by comparing the model output for given parameter sets with observed admixture rates across the Pacific islands.

      Unfortunately, (as an autodidact) I've never learned to write time-efficient code with R. Thus, I have no idea how I can reduce the time needed for one full run (1 parameter set, 4500 simulated years). Therefore, I hope that some of you could help me with this task (I would even pay for it). The final goal is to optimize the code such that one full run takes less than 2 minutes (then I can parallelize the first loop).

      Here is the code ...

      #increase memory limits

      #set working directory

      #loading required packages

      #loading data sets
      migration <- list.load("migration.rdata")
      admixture <- read.csv("admixture estimates.csv", header=T)
      history <- read.csv("history.csv", header=T)

      #initial individual number
      ind.number <- 21000

      #birth & death rates
      BD <- data.frame(age=0:55,
      death_rate=c(0.02, 0.035, 0.0476, 0.07, 0.09, 0.1, 0.1032, 0.1032, 0.093, 0.072, 0.05, 0.047, 0.046, 0.0443, 0.048, 0.055, 0.062, 0.064, 0.0648, 0.073, 0.08, 0.09, 0.093, 0.098, 0.123, 0.145, 0.167, 0.18, 0.1965, 0.198, 0.1995, 0.201, 0.202, 0.2036, 0.23, 0.25, 0.268, 0.27, 0.2757, 0.278, 0.28, 0.283, 0.285, 0.286, 0.29, 0.31, 0.37, 0.42, 0.5, 0.62, 0.73, 0.84, 0.89, 0.94, 0.97, 1),
      birth.rate=c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.001, 0.003, 0.01, 0.04, 0.09, 0.13, 0.17, 0.24, 0.27, 0.29, 0.31, 0.31, 0.295, 0.28, 0.265, 0.245, 0.225, 0.205, 0.19, 0.17, 0.15, 0.13, 0.11, 0.09, 0.075, 0.06, 0.045, 0.03, 0.01, 0.007, 0.0055, 0.0035, 0.0025, 0.0024, 0.0022, 0.0015, 0.001, 0.0005, 0.0001, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
      BD$survival <- with(BD, { s <- cumsum(death_rate); s <- max(s)-s; s <- s/sum(s); c(s[1:55], NA)})
      BD$death.rate <- c(0, -diff(BD$survival/BD$survival[1]))
      BD$death.rate[nrow(BD)] <- 1

      #Creating matrix for parameter combinations & simulation results
      PopulParam <- list(
      asian.fecundities = c(3, 4, 5, 6, 7),
      papuan.fecundities = c(3, 4, 5, 6, 7),
      asian.migrations = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8),
      papuan.migrations = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8),
      marriage.weights = c(0.00, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25),
      migration.distances = seq(0.1,1,by=0.1)#c(0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0)
      runsummary <- expand.grid(PopulParam)
      runsummary <- runsummary[rep(1:nrow(runsummary), 100),]
      runsummary <- data.frame(runID=1:nrow(runsummary), runsummary, Aauto=NA, Amt=NA, AY=NA)

      for (i in 1:nrow(runsummary)) {

      runlist <- data.frame(indID=1:26000000,
      runlist$sex[1:ind.number] <- sample(c("m", "f"), ind.number, replace=T)
      runlist$birth.year[1:ind.number] <- (-1) * sample(0:54, ind.number, prob=BD$survival[1:55], replace=T)
      runlist$[1:ind.number] <- rep(which(history$initial.settlement==0), each=120)
      runlist$residence <- runlist$
      group <- history$[runlist$][1:ind.number]
      runlist$Aauto[1:ind.number] <- ifelse(group == "Asian", 1, 0)
      runlist$Amt[1:ind.number] <- ifelse(group == "Asian", 1, 0)
      runlist$AY[1:ind.number] <- ifelse(group == "Asian", 1, 0)
      runlist$Aoverall[1:ind.number] <- ifelse(group == "Asian", 1, 0)
      females <- which(runlist$sex == "f")
      asians <- which(runlist$Aoverall > 0.5)
      papuans <- which(runlist$Aoverall < 0.5)
      runlist$max.offspring[females[females %in% asians]] <- rpois(sum(females %in% asians), runsummary$asian.fecundities[i])
      runlist$max.offspring[females[females %in% papuans]] <- rpois(sum(females %in% papuans), runsummary$papuan.fecundities[i])

      autosomes <- matrix(nrow=ind.number, ncol=26)
      colnames(autosomes) <- c("indID", "auto1", "auto2", "auto3", "auto4", "auto5", "auto6", "auto7", "auto8", "auto9", "auto10", "auto11", "auto12", "auto13", "auto14", "auto15", "auto16", "auto17", "auto18", "auto19", "auto20", "auto21", "auto22", "auto23", "auto24", "auto25")
      autosomes[,1] <- 1:ind.number
      group <- ifelse(group=="Asian", 1, 0)
      autosomes[,2:26] <- rep(group, 25)

      #run simulations (actions for one year)
      for (t in 0:4500) {

      carrying.capacity <- 120 * 1.0003^t

      alive <- which($death.year) & !$birth.year)) #living individuals
      for (j in 2:56) {
      candidates <- alive[t-runlist$birth.year[alive] == j-1] #individuals with age = j-1
      deaths <- candidates[which(sample(c(0, 1), length(candidates), prob=c(1 - BD$death.rate[j], BD$death.rate[j]), replace = T) == 1)] #choose candidates with BD$death.rate probability
      runlist$death.year[deaths] <- t #set death.year
      runlist$[deaths] <- runlist$residence[deaths] #set
      partner <- runlist$partner[deaths] #identify partners
      if (length(which(! > 0) {
      runlist$partner[partner[which(!]] <- NA #divorce partners
      autosomes <- autosomes[-deaths,] #delete autosomes of deaths to save memory

      migratables <- which(t - runlist$birth.year > 11) #individuals with age > 11
      migratables <- migratables[which($death.year[migratables]))] #alive individuals
      migratables <- migratables[which($partner[migratables]))] #uncoupled
      migratables <- migratables[which(runlist$residence[migratables] == runlist$[migratables])] #not yet migrated
      migratables <- sample(migratables, length(migratables)) #randomize order

      for (mig in migratables) {
      if (runif(1) < ifelse(runlist$Aoverall[mig] > 0.5, runsummary$asian.migrations[i], runsummary$papuan.migrations[i])) { #will individual j migrate?
      deme.candidates <- migration[[runlist$residence[mig]]][,1]
      possible <- NULL
      for (k in 1:length(deme.candidates)) {
      if (!$initial.settlement[deme.candidates[k]]) || t >= history$Austronesian.settlement[deme.candidates[k]]) { #deme can be settled at time t
      if (length(which(runlist$residence==deme.candidates[k] & !$birth.year) &$death.year))) < round(carrying.capacity)) { #deme 'deme.candidates[k]' below carrying capacity
      if (runlist$Aoverall[mig] < 0.5) { #test if deme k is within reachable distance for Papuan individuals
      if (migration[[runlist$residence[mig]]][k,4] < runsummary[i,7]) {
      possible <- c(possible, deme.candidates[k])
      else {
      possible <- c(possible, deme.candidates[k])

      #send individuals with probability 'prob' to the 'possible' deme candidates
      dists <- migration[[runlist$residence[mig]]][which(migration[[runlist$residence[mig]]][,1] %in% possible),4]
      prob <- dists/sum(dists)
      if (length(possible) > 0) {
      if (length(prob) == 1) {
      new.deme <- possible
      if (length(prob) > 1) {
      new.deme <- sample(possible, 1, prob=prob)
      runlist$residence[mig] <- new.deme
      runlist$time.of.migration[mig] <- t

      #coupling & offspring
      fertiles <- which(runlist$sex == "f") #select females
      fertiles <- fertiles[which(t - runlist$birth.year[fertiles] > 11)] #individuals with age > 11
      fertiles <- fertiles[which($death.year[fertiles]))] #alive individuals
      fertiles <- sample(fertiles, length(fertiles)) #randomize order

      for (fer in fertiles) {
      if ($partner[fer])) {

      partner.candidates <- which(runlist$residence == runlist$residence[fer]) #individuals in same deme
      partner.candidates <- partner.candidates[which(runlist$sex[partner.candidates] == "m")] #males in same deme
      partner.candidates <- partner.candidates[which(t - runlist$birth.year[partner.candidates] > 11 &$death.year[partner.candidates]))] #alive males and age > 11 years
      partner.candidates <- partner.candidates[which(abs(runlist$birth.year[fer] - runlist$birth.year[partner.candidates]) < 7)] #age difference < 7 years
      partner.ancestry <- ifelse(runlist$Aoverall[partner.candidates] > 0.5, 1, 0) #ancestry of candidates

      #females marry more often (0.5 + runsummary$marriage.weights[i]) males from other ancestry
      if (runlist$Aoverall[fer] > 0.5) { #for Asian women
      if (sum(partner.ancestry) == 0 || sum(partner.ancestry) == length(partner.ancestry)) {
      new.partner <- sample(partner.candidates, 1)
      else {
      which.partner <- sample(c(0,1), 1, prob=c(0.5 + runsummary$marriage.weights[i], 0.5 - runsummary$marriage.weights[i]))
      if (sum(partner.ancestry == which.partner) == 1) {
      new.partner <- partner.candidates[which(partner.ancestry == which.partner)]
      else {
      new.partner <- sample(partner.candidates[which(partner.ancestry == which.partner)], 1)
      else { #for Papuan women
      if (sum(partner.ancestry) == 0 || sum(partner.ancestry) == length(partner.ancestry)) {
      new.partner <- sample(partner.candidates, 1)
      else {
      which.partner <- sample(c(0,1), 1, prob=c(0.5 - runsummary$marriage.weights[i], 0.5 + runsummary$marriage.weights[i]))
      if (sum(partner.ancestry == which.partner) == 1) {
      new.partner <- partner.candidates[which(partner.ancestry == which.partner)]
      else {
      new.partner <- sample(partner.candidates[which(partner.ancestry == which.partner)], 1)

      runlist$partner[fer] <- new.partner
      runlist$partner[new.partner] <- fer


      else {

      #generate offspring
      if (runlist$offspring.number[fer] < runlist$max.offspring[fer]) { #number of children < max. offspring number for female 'fer'
      if (length(which(runlist$residence == runlist$residence[fer])) < round(carrying.capacity)) { #deme size < carrying capacity
      if (runif(1) < BD$birth.rate[(t - runlist$birth.year[fer]) + 1]) { #test for pregnancy (using birth rate given age of mother)
      runlist$offspring.number[fer] <- runlist$offspring.number[fer] + 1 #add children to offspring.number of mother
      runlist$offspring.number[runlist$partner[fer]] <- runlist$offspring.number[runlist$partner[fer]] + 1 #add children to offspring.number of father

      #initialization of child
      childID <- min(which($sex)))
      runlist$sex[childID] <- ifelse(runif(1) < 0.5, "f", "m")
      runlist$birth.year[childID] <- t
      runlist$[childID] <- runlist$residence[fer]
      runlist$residence[childID] <- runlist$residence[fer]
      runlist$parent1[childID] <- fer
      runlist$parent2[childID] <- runlist$partner[fer]

      #set mtDNA ancestry from mother
      runlist$Amt[childID] <- runlist$Amt[fer]

      #set Y-DNA ancestry from father (if child is male)
      if (runlist$sex[childID] == "m") {
      runlist$AY[childID] <- runlist$AY[runlist$partner[fer]]

      #random combination of autosomal markers from mother & father
      autosomes.row <- nrow(autosomes) + 1 #identify the row number of children in autosomes
      autosomes <- rbind(autosomes, NA) #expand autosomes by 1 row
      autosomes[autosomes.row, 1] <- childID #set individual ID
      child.autosome <- autosomes[which(autosomes[,1] == fer), 2:26] #set mother's autosomes for child
      fathers.autosomes <- sort(sample(1:25, sample(12:13, 1))) #select 12 or 13 genes from father's autosomes
      child.autosome[fathers.autosomes] <- autosomes[which(autosomes[,1] == runlist$partner[fer]), fathers.autosomes + 1] #replace mother's autosomal markers in childs autosomes
      autosomes[autosomes.row, 2:26] <- child.autosome #add autosome of child to 'autosomes'

      #calculate Aauto
      runlist$Aauto[childID] <- mean(autosomes[autosomes.row, 2:26])

      #calculate Aoverall
      runlist$Aoverall[childID] <- mean(runlist[childID, 12:14])





      #calculate average distance between simulated and observed ancestries
      auto <- NULL
      mt <- NULL
      Y <- NULL
      for (j in 1:length(migration)) { <- which(runlist$birth.year <= 4500 &$death.year) & runlist$residence == j)
      auto[j] <- mean(runlist$Aauto[])
      mt[j] <- mean(runlist$Amt[])
      Y[j] <- mean(runlist$AY[])

      runsummary$Aauto[i] <- mean(abs(auto - admixture$autosomal), na.rm = T)
      runsummary$Amt[i] <- mean(abs(mt - admixture$mt.SNPs), na.rm = T)
      runsummary$AY[i] <- mean(abs(Y - admixture$Y.SNPs), na.rm = T)

      #save files
      write.csv(runlist, paste("runlist", i, ".csv", sep=""), row.names=F)
      write.csv(runsummary, "runsummary.csv", row.names=F)

      #return number of parameter set simulated


      ... and here are the required files.

      r optimization runtime agent-based-modeling

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      asked Nov 10 at 17:47







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